Joke-Gone-Awry soap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
SF Bay Area, CA
So, I planned this soap as a joke about some friends of mine... Used hemp oil as part of the recipe, replaced the water with beer, and used NGC's "Cannabis Flower" FO to scent it with. (Which I will not use again unless it turns out popular... I am not a fan. lol)

What I MEANT for the design: I meant to have the batter split, with one part left naturally colored by the hemp, beer, and FO. I added TD to the other part to lighten it for a subtle swirl. I also meant to do a drop swirl on a cocoa powder line, to emphasize it. I ended up with a) not enough TD in the one side, and b) didn't wait long enough for a thick enough trace to really define everything. Whoops!

On the other hand, I did end up with a nice pair of foxes! (I tried to get a picture of the TD swirls on top, but they were too faint for my camera to hone in on.)

ETA: Also, you can really see that I need to change the wire in my cheese slicer... I was having to use a chopstick to push the wire down into the slot because holding it closed wasn't working. The problem? Replacements are only available online for $2 for a set of 3... but the shipping is $6! Yikes!



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I love the foxes! I wish cannabis FO's actually smelled like the name. That might get me to use FO'S. Thanks for sharing!
not_ally: Thanks! :D They did turn a wonderful earthy color, didn't they? And I"m also amused that this is my first vegan soap of the year. lol

Maya: Thanks! Isn't it funny how smell is such a subjective thing? It smells like weed to me for sure! lol The reviews on NGC were about split in half between those who thought it smelled like the real deal, and those who thought it smelled nothing like cannabis.
I just recently used that FO myself and got pretty much the same 50/50 on what it actually smells like. The people who said it DOES smell like weed are my weed-smoking friends, LOL.
I love the colour of your soap and great texture. Great idea using beer and hemp, my brother would love it!

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