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Alien brains- the surface gets rippled and wrinkly
Is "alien brains" made of overheating?
I have made also something like alien brains yesterday night after CPOPing for less than 1 hour @ 65ºC (149ºF)

But there are also some light shades inside the center and bottom of the soap and I was wondering what this could be. Is it about non gelled areas? I could see from the top of the mold that the soap was having a gel stage from one side to the other along with the alien brain texture, so I had to put it out of the oven and let it rest outside the house at temperatures of around 0ºC (32ºF - snowy night). After 7 hours I unmold it, cut it and then took those pictures.
Recipe: OO-40%(which includes 30% Olive Oil residual), CO-30%, PO-30%, Lye Concentration: 30%, Superfat: 4%, Oatmeal flour, salt, sugar, silk
If it is for gel, do the above oils need different times for each to reach gel phase?
Update: I found this link that answers the "alien brain" issue...
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