I got an apartment!!!! WOOOHOOO!!!

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
DeLand, FL
My very first apartment and I got a KILLER deal!!! so excited !! cant wait to move in!!

It was $750, but they gave 3 months free and prorated it across the lease...so its now $589/month!!!

730sq ft...

Mines the top one

Just spent an arm and a leg on furniture, with help from Dad as a housewarming gift for my first place on my own...

moving in on 28th of this month!!! YAAY! Ill upload furnished pics when everything gets delivered on the 28th or after I get settled in!!

all I need now is a fouton frame, and a dresser and Im good to go!! :)

whatcha think!?!?!
Congrats Ian, I hope this means we'll be seeing you around here more often. We have missed you.
That's great Ian! I'm gald you are going to be settled in one place. I'm sure you will be very happy there. Congratualtions!!!

IanT said:
all I need now is a fouton frame, and a dresser and Im good to go!! :)
All you need is an air mattress and a big rubbermaid box. :lol:

Congrats!!!!!! Sounds like you came across a killer deal! I've been paying $1,065 for 950 sq. ft. :evil: :evil: :evil: Of course, in IA, my house payment is only $250 for a three story house! :D

Anywho... congrats congrats congrats!
thank you!!! I am sooooo excited!! I dont even need the air mattress cause Ive got the fouton matress with i LOOOOVE already...I think I might build a platform bed...anyone know any place to get a good plan for one?? Kind of like an Asian-style theme one??? I think I might try it...might as well I love to build stuff anyway. Id just want to make sure I could take it out when I needed to move.

Im so happy Im going to be settled to!! The apartment is near Sarasota in FL...I have visited NY a bit but its hard since Im working ALOT right now...but Im finally making good money though (haaaard work though...)

I cant wait!! 10 days!!!! aaaaah!!!! :)
That's great news Ian! Glad that particular struggle is over for you. Things are looking way up - yes?
oh yes, definitely WAY up compared to what they were a few weeks ago, finally making steady cash flow though Im working REAL hard, I figure youve got to put your work in before it gets easy...might actually open an extension of my fathers biz down here in FL, we shall see :)

Im just so glad Ive got a place now, I cant wait to get in and settled...My OWN place...wow.... I cant say that enough lol it sounds like a new song to my ears lol

9 days!!!! aaaah!!
ONE BIG GIGANTO CONGRATS TO YOU, IAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

I am not too far from you in Sebring, Sarasota is one of my FAVORITE cities in the entire EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So glad you got such a nice location, and a SUPER deal on the diggs! 8)
thank you!!! Im so excited!!! now Im just trying to meet some people in the area, trying to get into the community but its kind of tough with working so much but soon enough Ill have a social group built up! :)

Just want to surround myself with the right people!

7 days!!! AAHHHH!!!

My son watches this Thomas the Train movie every now and then and in one part, Mr. Conductor gets excited about remembering something or other and does the funniest "Ahhhhhhhh" excited type scream....

IanT, thats what you sound like in my head when I read your "Ahhhhhhhhhh" :lol:
Way to go, Ian. I feel your excitement! Isn't it a great feeling when things start working out after a rough spell? I'm glad your cards are starting to show up all Aces! 8) We loved visiting where you live when we lived in Kissimmee.

Paul :wink:
:D!!! lol

Lane_- I get that alot too!! lol (and you can just call me Ian if you want lol the T is from my last name :D)

hound-- yyeaaah its sooo nice down here, I think the next thing on my list is try to get scuba certified , the water is like crystal clear!!
IanT said:
(and you can just call me Ian if you want lol the T is from my last name :D)
/quote] Good! Because holding down shift to make the upper case T after Ian is a PAIN!! :D :D :D

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