If this is your first attempt at coloring soap and your second soap and you want to do any kind of swirl, AND if you're anything like me, and need all the time you can to make the soap and get it into the mold before it gets too thick, then I'd say stick with the full water.
My first (probably 50 - 100) soaps were all full water and I really needed the extra time to make sure I could do the color addtions and attempt designs. It wasn't until I'd been soaping for over a year, did I even attempt to increase my lye concentration and reduce water. Partly because I hadn't really thought of it, as I hadn't yet read much about it, though. But I'm really glad I didn't try with my second batch of soap. The first time I did that with color and swirls, the soap moved too fast and even though it turned out nice in the end, it would have been way too intimidating for my second batch of soap.
You already have enough in your recipe to speed up trace. The Castor at 5% and you've got two hard oils. I'd keep the water at the SoapCalc default and just be careful not to soap too hot is all. (Also not too cold because of the hard oils.) It will give you more time to work with the colors.