Hack for cleaning up TD?

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Apr 5, 2018
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So for the first time, I channeled Tree Marie -- yeah, uh-huh! -- and mixed titanium dioxide with oil on a cutting board. My plastic cutting board is well loved used and now TD is in every nook and cranny. Let me know if you have an effective way of cleaning up TD! Please, Obiwan Kenobi, you're my only hope.
Make you some powerwash: 1/3 each dawn dish detergent, rubbing alcohol, and water. I made some up for some forgotten reason not long ago and it is MAGIC. I use it for everything now. Just don't use it on the floor, it will take forever to get the suds all up! 😂 But holy wow does it get the stainless steel sink to shine!!!
So for the first time, I channeled Tree Marie -- yeah, uh-huh! -- and mixed titanium dioxide with oil on a cutting board. My plastic cutting board is well loved used and now TD is in every nook and cranny. Let me know if you have an effective way of cleaning up TD! Please, Obiwan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

Rinse and toss in the dishwasher. Note that she use 9unscratched) plexiglass or glass.

I went to TD/Oil after watching Lisa at I Dream In Soap. I went out an bought an electric mini mixer and that is what I use to mix it up with.