A wash cloth here and there. A handmade bar of soap ontop of a soft wash clth tied up with a nice ribbon. Oh, sometimes I pick up rubber duckies to add to baskets too...
I think matching accessories are great! But no store bought items along the line of hand made products that you are using such as lotions, bubble bath, and so on.
I Wish!! I have been wanting to learn to crochet for YEARS now. Almost every other week I have a "crocheter or knitter" wanting to trade on Etsy. So I buy my cloths with soap. I try to always use hand made cloths in my baskets, but I have been known to run by wal mart and grab a bunch if I'm in a bind.
I have the instructions somewhere on how to make the nylon scrubbies. It looked fairly easy. Use the 40% off coupon for JoAnn's or the like to buy the tulle or netting.
Lane - crocheting is very easy. I taught a young lady how to chochet not too long ago. She said it was too difficult. I told her that she only needed to know 3 simple things, plus how to read a pattern and she could make the most intricate lace tablecloth or simple scarf. It took about a week before she came up to me and said she could not believe it, but I was right. (I liked that part ) It was simple. The hardest part is learning tension. She made a nice little blanket from a pattern I never would have chosen for a beginner!