I could sell you a bar too, or give you one!

Now, let me tell you, making your first batch of soap is as easy as going to Wal-Mart, bar, finding the lye there. You can go to a Lowe's store to get that. Get Roebic's Heavy Duty Drain Crystals, as it is still 100% pure sodium hydroxide! So your first soap can be as simple as Coconut Oil, Safflower Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil, a bit of Crisco. Get the lye at Lowe's. Make a mold out of about anything, even a cardboard box. We can help you through the process. I'll even give you a decent "grocery store" recipe for CP soap if you want, when you need it. It is a very wise soap maker who does much studying, doing research online, going to the library to check out soap making books, and then more research before adding any lye to water! Safety always is a must and be learned before starting. We have all heard of and seen terrible things that a little spilled 33% lye solution can do to you or children even our pets! I've seen nasty pictures of a little boy severely burned by his mom's lye solution, and will never forget those images!
It is the most fun and rewarding craft I have ever began! I love making CP soap, been doing it just over 2 years. I read solid on the net for a few months before I ever thought about making my first batch. We are here for you. There are several members here who have many years under our belts of learning, and continuing to learn our craft. Enjoy our form, as any question, love what we do!
Paul.... :wink: