Gardeners: ISO true red bee balm (monarda)?

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Apr 5, 2018
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Not really sure which forum to post a question about gardening! But I know there are serious gardeners here.

I am frustrated that I cannot find a real red monarda. I was disappointed last Spring. I spent big $ on many "Fireball Monarda" because my research on various websites called it "red." However, when it bloomed, it was more pinky-purpley-reddish, some friends call it 'raspberry red' (sorry I'm not good at describing colors).

So If you have a true red monarda, please hit me up with the variety name. By red, think little red wagons and fire engines. Thanks!
Not really sure which forum to post a question about gardening! But I know there are serious gardeners here.

I am frustrated that I cannot find a real red monarda. I was disappointed last Spring. I spent big $ on many "Fireball Monarda" because my research on various websites called it "red." However, when it bloomed, it was more pinky-purpley-reddish, some friends call it 'raspberry red' (sorry I'm not good at describing colors).

So If you have a true red monarda, please hit me up with the variety name. By red, think little red wagons and fire engines. Thanks!
Yes, Jacob Cline.
I am dreaming of gardening right now.
There is white covering everything.
Temp has been hovering at zero or below for over a week now :(
I will be so happy to see my Jacob Cline again!
Make sure to order now as I keep hearing of plants and seed shortages this spring.
Hummingbirds adore them.
Thank you! Lord, yes, dreaming of my garden. We just heard about the seed shortage and put in our order last week. Couldn't find oregano or dill. My wife is a canner and in addition to the seed shortage, there is also a canning jar lid shortage.
I fought voles last year in my garden and my hardware store was constantly short on the repellant. I finally asked the guy, why can't you stock more of this? He says, Dude, look, everyone is home and gardening. All of our gardening supplies sell out.
We placed a huge seed order in early December... just received it about a week ago. They couldn't give us 3-4 of the items we ordered. The stated reason for each out-of-stock item: "seed shortage due to crop failure."

This will be the year that we start saving our own seeds!
Ordered most of my seeds back in December and yes I also found some things out of stock.
Fortunately I found them elsewhere but paid a bit more due to shipping.
My favorite seed company is Baker Creek heirloom seed company. sell only heirloom varities so you can save seeds and they will grow back true to the parent plants.
Plus Baker creek throws free random seed packets in with your order and shipping is free.
I'm not much of a flower/herb guy (mostly veggies)but I hope you find the seeds you're looking for!