Frankincense and Sandalwood

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@CLMP , I bought a Sandalwood & Sage FO by MYOB through WSP in July. It's no longer available. I finally had a chance to try it out (I made a batch of 10 different FO samples on 12/31.) I really love this scent. Very unisex (to me), not at all sweet, but also no "after shave" quality to it. It has no vanilla so I was puzzled when I came out a beautiful golden mahagony color. I knew nothing of Sandalwood except that it is a popular incense. From this thread, I deduce that Sandalwood will discolor.

I don't know why I bothered buying brown micas. There are so many FO's that discolor to really nice shades of tan through brown.
Me too. Was thinking about buying the white sandalwood powder. Fingers crossed that it works for you @CLMP!
Im going to try a batch with just white sandalwood to see if any scent comes through I'm a little busy the next few days but as soon as I get a chance I'll make the soap I'll let you know how it goes.
@CLMP , I bought a Sandalwood & Sage FO by MYOB through WSP in July. It's no longer available. I finally had a chance to try it out (I made a batch of 10 different FO samples on 12/31.) I really love this scent. Very unisex (to me), not at all sweet, but also no "after shave" quality to it. It has no vanilla so I was puzzled when I came out a beautiful golden mahagony color. I knew nothing of Sandalwood except that it is a popular incense. From this thread, I deduce that Sandalwood will discolor.

I don't know why I bothered buying brown micas. There are so many FO's that discolor to really nice shades of tan through brown.
The sandalwood FO I bought all so smells unisex. At first I wasn't sure about the scent but now I love it it mixes and blends well with everything I've been making perfumes with it I can't wait to make soap with it.
Hi everyone today I'm going to pour my oil and ingredients out for a couple batches of soap including the sandalwood soap today. I'm wondering if anybody would like to suggest a amount of white sandalwood powder to add to my soap I'd like to get as much as I can in there with out it ruining my soap. I thought I'd try 2 tbs per pound and see how that goes. I was thinking of blending it in to my warm oils before adding my lye but it says online to make a paste and add it at trace. So I'm just wondering everyones thoughts on this.🤔
I'd try treating it like a clay. So about 2 tbs would work.
I'd follow what they say and premix and add at trace. Maybe the powder reacts funny to the lye if added too soon 🤷‍♀️.
You could always try 2 batches and see if there is a difference between when it's added before the lye vs premixed at trace.
@CLMP - I recently made a fragrance to mimic the old Pears soap (the oval, amber coloured soap) Here's the blend:
35% each of cedar wood and rosemary
20% pine
5% each of white thyme and cinnamon leaf.

These are all EOs and the fragrance has stuck well, and smells divine.

Give it a go!

Edited to change to percentages.
So I'm excited to say I finally found some info on how to use white sandalwood powder to fragrance your soap but it didn't say how much to use. It's funny how if you word your self differently when you question Google you get different answers sometimes and I just found info that said you can put the white sandalwood powder in your soft oils and let it sit there for 4 to 6 weeks before making the soap or to your hard oils after melting them to use right away after heating up your oils. Before adding the lye.
@CLMP - I recently made a fragrance to mimic the old Pears soap (the oval, amber coloured soap) Here's the blend:
35% each of cedar wood and rosemary
20% pine
5% each of white thyme and cinnamon leaf.

These are all EOs and the fragrance has stuck well, and smells divine.

Give it a go!

Edited to change to percentages.
This sounds so wow! Can I ask what kind of cedar wood did you use (I have several and they smell completely different), and would cassia work in your opinion instead of cinnamon leaf?
Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 8.01.13 AM.png

That's good to know - I had no idea they would be so different. I must check that next time I order some - I usually get whatever is cheapest at the time. I think I have used Atlas in the past too.
So I'm excited to say I finally found some info on how to use white sandalwood powder to fragrance your soap but it didn't say how much to use. It's funny how if you word your self differently when you question Google you get different answers sometimes and I just found info that said you can put the white sandalwood powder in your soft oils and let it sit there for 4 to 6 weeks before making the soap or to your hard oils after melting them to use right away after heating up your oils. Before adding the lye.
So I found more info on how much white sandalwood powder to use and Google says 0.7 oz almost 20 g per pound so I have exactly enough for a 3 pound batch. Oh and I made a mistake you can let the white sandalwood powder sit or infuse in your soft oils for 2 to 4 weeks.
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That's good to know - I had no idea they would be so different. I must check that next time I order some - I usually get whatever is cheapest at the time. I think I have used Atlas in the past too.
Okie Dokie. I will smell the different ones when I go to do it then. I love Atlas Cedarwood, but I also have Virginia and Texas. The Atlas is sweet, almost sickeningly so, and both the others are smoky, and one of them really smoky but I don't remember which one'll. But it makes a good addition to a campfire scent.
When I first started looking for sandalwood EO I was surprised by the very high prices, but then I read that some of the most prized sandalwood tree species have been over harvested and are now considered endangered.

If you're still thinking about using a sandalwood FO - I initially tried BB's Sensuous Sandalwood, which smells a bit like cigarette ashes to me, then tried Oregon Trails Mysore Sandalwood, which I love and use and have found to be popular with my soapy people. It has the added benefits of behaving well and not discoloring my soap. I've also tried BeScented's Sandalwood, which was okay, but my soap turned a dark tan color.
@Mobjack Bay I'm a bit behind but thank you for pointing out about the endangered sandalwood.

Australian sandalwood is sustainably grown:)

The other one to worry about is Rosewood which is also endangered.
Well I've been busy I made the sandalwood soap today I'm happy with it but a little bummed out I brought it to emulation and it came to trace even faster then pine tar so I didn't have time to color it had just enough time to fill 2 single molds unscented to see if I can smell the white sandalwood powder in it. The rest of my batter I dumped in my sandalwood FO stirred like mad and dumped it into the mold. It turned out a very dark brown so we will see it tomorrow.


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Hi everyone so I just cut my sandalwood soap it's beautiful. I can't wait to try it. So as I was saying I didn't have time to color it plus it turned very dark brown so I don't know if that can be colored but besides that it turned out great. I added 58g of white sandalwood powder into 3 pounds of soap (mixed in my hot oils) and 50g of sandalwood FO it smells wonderful. The sandalwood powder made my batter move very fast. On line it said it would color my soap beige but for me it turned a really nice dark brown color. It also said online that it would fragrance my soap. Nope it does not. The extra 2 bars of soap I made without fragrance with just white sandalwood powder didn't scent my soap at all. But the soap is still nice. Here's some photos (@ScentimentallyYours is right white sandal powder does not scent soap)


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I just wanted to say even though the sandalwood soap didn't turn out they way I hoped I still like it and it was a fun project.
I would like to say thanks for doing the experiment. I wanted to make a sandalwood soap too for my bro, and then the powder idea came up. It looks like i will just stick to the FO per your outcome. GOOD JOB 👏
I would like to say thanks for doing the experiment. I wanted to make a sandalwood soap too for my bro, and then the powder idea came up. It looks like i will just stick to the FO per your outcome. GOOD JOB 👏
Thanks I thought I'd let you know the sandalwood FO smells a little sweet but once it's added to the soap it smells more like the real thing. At least mine does and I bought it Suds n' scents. You'll have to let me know how yours turns out.🙂