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This is just my own anecdotal experience, so take it for what it is worth, but the one thing that works successfully for me and mine at keeping the mosquitos at bay is taking a vitamin B complex....just a single, regular dose per day beginning at least 2 weeks before we know we'll be exposed to mosquitos. My hubby's former boss who was quite the adventurer in his spare time (hiking, canoeing, rock climbing, camping) was the one who gave us the tip. Whenever he and his buddies followed the protocol before going on another one of their adventures, the mosquitos never bothered them. The first time we put it to the test, it was on a summer trip to visit my family who live in mosquito country come every summer, and we were totally amazed at how well it worked. While everybody else was running for cover come dusk, we were actually able to stay outdoors for hours completely unmolested by the pesky blood suckers without spraying ourselves with anything. It was a beautiful thing (and still is).

IrishLass :)
I think I make water based spry6 with Eucalyptus , lemon, lavender and peppermint. Vitamin B complex does no for me. There was always discussion that smokers are attracting mosquito.......7 years not smoking, no using perfume on summer time and still magnet for mosquito. Put it together with awful allergic reaction............nighmare......