Love them!!!!!!!! someone here had posted they had added soap bits - what a wonderful idea, so I did that and wow, looks cool and I tried a bit, definitely loved it!! I will try to find the thread of the person who shared that so I can give proper thanks and kudos, but until then - whoever you are - THANK YOU!!! When I had used a peeler to bevel the edges of my soaps, I had bagged and labeled them, not really knowing if I would ever use viola! I could and did. I also made some body butters today. k
I showered before church this morning with my mayan gold goat milk soap (not the batch with fresh gm, it's not ready yet) and then used the sugar scrub of the same and then after I finalized it all with my body butter. know tho.....I really have to start giving some away. I have quite a collection and a whole bunch of new fragrances coming in this week :roll:
Tab, might it have been you that gave that nugget of wisdom on the putting soap chips in the scrub??? I can't find that dang thread.....