Entry thread for March 2021 Challenge - Air Blow Technique aka Dutch Pour Technique aka Wind Blow Technique

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Grandmother & Soaper
Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2016
Reaction score
Western Illinois, USA
This is the Entry thread for the SMF March 2021 Challenge - Air Blow Technique aka Dutch Pour Technique aka Wind Blow Technique. Please post your entry photos (3 required - see below) in this thread. The entry may include information about the soap itself, the tool(s) used, inspiration for design, etc. But please keep comments, compliments, and questions about anyone else's entry in the Challenge announcement thread (here). This Entry thread is only for posting entries. Thank you

Refer to this post for detail on Rule for entries, however, one reminder:

Three entry photos will be required: 1 pre-cut entry, which shows the slab prior to the cut, and at least 1 after the cut photo, with at least one or more bars. And finally, one photo showing the tools you used to create the surface design (air blowing tool(s), etc. if others were used.

After the closing date on March 28, 2021 at 4:00 pm GMT the winning entry will be chosen using Survey Monkey. Voting will be open from March 28-30, 2021 and the winner will be announced soon thereafter and no later than on March 31, 2021. There is no prize attached to this challenge.

I am posting the Entry Thread early because I must be away from my computer at the time I had originally set for posting it. I am looking forward to seeing what you all have done!
This technique is SO much fun. Thank you again for organizing and hosting, Earlene.
Here are my entry pics from my second attempt.
"Born in the USA/Fourth of July" Soap. Blown front represents a waving American Flag and swirled back represents fireworks.
Additional thumbnails: Collage of each stage because in the midst of it all I wasn't sure what pics were needed, and another of all bars.

1.) Entry Photo, two bars to show back and front. Deciding on one photo for the entry and finding the right lighting were the hardest parts of this challenge. P.S. Ahem, @The_Phoenix , naner, naner, naner, I got here first. 🤣 🤣

2.) Precut of 1 inch deep slab.

3.) The now revered straw.


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This was indeed a fun challenge. It kind of went fast once the pouring and blowing started. My inspiration was The Grand Prismatic Spring, which I saw in a documentary show and then googled to get better pictures. From all the blowing tools I had (a modified paper towel roll, pvc pipe and hair dryer) I ended up using a simple straw in the end.



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So... I had fun with this challenge and it was totally a learning experience! My top design definitely does not match my vision of this soap, but I’m pretty happy with it personally! I love the colors! The bottom layer is a natural and activated charcoal ITP swirl. The top colors are a natural base with activated charcoal, Queen of Heart with a bit of AC to darken, a wee bit of natural batter(probably should have used a bit more to separate..) and Material Girl. Both micas are from Nurture Soap. My stainless Steele straw was the only tool I got to move any batter. It poured fluidly, must have thicken up quickly once poured! I was going for individual flower like design but just ended up blowing in all and every direction.
This is not the soap I thought I was going to enter, but I changed my mind after I took the photos. Of the three batches I made using this technique, I feel this one is my best from a technical standpoint. The colorants are clays (French green; Brazilian red, gold and black; white kaolin; rose), AC and chrome green oxide. It’s scented with 10x orange with a splash of peppermint and patchouli eos. To make the soap, I started with a day old slab out of the mold as my canvas. After I covered the slab with the white batter, I poured/layered my colors in a narrow meandering river that extended from one side of the slab to the opposite side. I then used a plastic putty knife to drag some of the white batter from each side of the slab over top of river of colors. I’m not exactly sure how that technique affects the outcome, but I’ve seen it in a lot of YT videos! My slab was only 6” square and the batter stayed fluid enough for me to move it around using a straw and fairly gentle puffs of air. I added a few details at the end using a glass pipette. Since this soap was my first attempt, I made more batter (a lot more) for the top than I thought I would need. I ended up with some cute round soaps that match my slab.

Earlene - Thank you for coming up with this very original idea for a challenge and for hosting!





Here’s a photo with the round companion soaps that I made using the extra batter from the top pour. If it’s not okay to include this photo, please let me know.

I had hoped I'd get a third attempt in at the last minute, but it won't happen unfortunately.
So as it turns out, I am actually going to enter my first attempt, which is growing on me each time I look at it. It looks much nicer cut into bars and with the ash washed off (even though I can't cut straight)



My favourite bars


The whole batch


My tool ....just a straw


And finally the slab after pouring and blowing
The entry thread is now closed to new submissions and the voting link has been sent to the participants. Voting is open from now through the 30th, and I will post the winners no later than March 31st. Sooner if all participants vote before the voting closes.

Goo luck everyone! All your entries are gorgeous and I am sure choosing only three will be tough.
Congratulations, winners! I am announcing early because all the voters have voted.

And this may be a first: Everyone is a winner!

Out of the 6 entries:

First place: we have a 3-way tie for first place: glendam, The_Phoenix, & Mobjack Bay

Second place: Primrose

Third place: we have another tie: KimW and violets2217

Congratulations to everyone who participated and chose to vote in this difficult competition. Recognizing each and every one of the entries is a testament to how beautifully you all demonstrated your mastery of this (I hope) newly learned skill.

AND congratulations to all who participated and contributed to the thread, in spite of not being able to enter or missing the deadline (for which I am sorry.)
Congrats, everyone! This was fun and challenging in a different way.

Raise your hand if you’ve been spending a lot of time watching acrylic pouring videoed and have (or plan to) purchased acrylic paint and canvas.

I have acrylic paint and canvas and have been trying to figure out how to do this without wrecking my basement!