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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2008
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Can someone tell me what the dreaded orange spots actually are, why they happen and what is so bad about them?
Which DOS are you refearing to.....

Acronym Definition
DoS Department Of State (United States)
DOS Disk Operating System
DOS Dad Over Shoulder
DOS Data Overhead Switch (Nortel)
DOS Date of Seeding
DOS Date Of Separation
DOS Date of Service (health insurance)
DOS Daughter of Satan
DOS Day of Show
DOS days of supply (US DoD)
DOS Dead on Scene
DOS Dean of Students
DOS Declaration of Security
DOS Degree of Superiority (algorithm comparison)
DOS Demokratska Opozicija Srbije (Democratic Opposition of Serbia; Coalition of Democratic Political Serbian Parties)
DOS Denial Of Service (attack)
DOS Density of States
DOS Denver Orchid Society
DOS Department of Sanitation (New York City)
DOS Department of Space (India)
DOS Department of Statistics
DOS Department of Surgery
DOS Dependents Overseas
DOS Deployed Operational State
DOS Deposition On Silicon
DOS Designated Operator Service (SBC)
DOS Deutscher Orgon Service
DOS Digital Operating System
DOS Diis Omnibus Sacrum (Latin: Sacred to All the Gods, epigraphy)
DOS Direct Operating System
DOS Directionally Oriented Structures
DOS Director of Emergency Services
DOS Director Of Operations & Support
DOS Director of Operations and Support
DOS Director of Sales
DOS Director of Security
DOS Director of Study/Studies
DOS Distributed Object Server (Objectstream - SS7)
DOS Distributed Operating System
DOS Distribution of States
DOS District Office Study
DOS District Open Space (Hong Kong)
DOS Dozing Off Soon
DOS Dreaded Orange Spots (soapmaking, indicates soap has gone rancid)
DOS Dropout Studios
DOS Duncan's Outdoor Shop (Bay City, Michigan)

But if your talking about the dreaded orange spots, you can google
"Orange Spots Soap"
and find your answer.....
Ok you got me! I meant Dept of State! LOL No I was wondering why everyone dreads the orange spots. So it means the oils have gone rancid then?
pjb31apb said:
Can someone tell me ...what is so bad about them?

They are ugly! :lol:

No, really. Strangely enough, every batch I've made with lard has gotten dos. I'm done with lard!
I've never had a problem with Lard. What oils are you using with it? Lard has a pretty long shelf life. I would suspect another oil first. Canola, Sunflower, safflower are all rumored to be high DOS factors.

People have different results in different parts of the country though...climate may be a factor.
