Done with Lard_maybe

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Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southern California
I think I am finally done with lard even though I love my 45/22% Tallow/Lard and love the slow trace. Problem is, when I have a slow selling selling and smell an off smell in the soap it is always one with lard. Even my husband told me to stop using lard. :( It is not coming down with dos, just smells off, or it is the Goat's Milk when is the other common factor. :beatinghead: I am going to run a batch today with my mix and no gm, and let it age for a year.

Really having a hard time giving it up since it slows trace no nicely and my vegan recipe traces extremely fast. :hairpulling:
How about trying Goose/Duck fat. I am loving the creaminess and bubbles. I have been using it at 20% with 40% Tallow. It’s slow tracing too and I use 25% Rapeseed/High Oleic Canola with it. It’s about 3 months now and it still smell like the Walk in the woods fragrance oil it was scented with.
I like chicken fat but it is to hard to collect enough by rendering the skin

There is a lot of fat on the leg quarters which are usually cheap. Just keep collecting it until you have enough. I tried to get it from the grocery but they say now that a lot f there meats come with less fat, so I bought leg quarters an saved the fat from it. I have not made a soap with it yet, but I will.
I've also noticed my lard soap gets a off smell when its old, at least two years.
Its not enough for me to give up the lard. I just make less soap now so it doesn't sit around so long.
Same issue here. The issues with smell were pretty consistent. As I'm still mainly doing this for fun / friends and family I've just limited the number I make so I only have what I need for the time. I couldn't bring myself to give it up!
Please read:


When making lard/tallow soaps I also use full water and temps at 120-135 (CP) and have no problem with off-smelling bars. :thumbs:

Have you ever tried using Oakmoss fragrance oil?
Sorry, Zany, I just went back and read your directions. You say you haven't used an FO. I should have read thoroughly before asking that question. DOH!
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I don’t get it... I have lard soaps years old and they simply do not smell at all.
Some of us have more sensitive noses and can identify the oils used in some soaps. Some of those sensitive noses don't like some of the smells. Lard is one that I don't like the smell of, but I have read of some folks who don't like the smell of olive oil in soap, so it's really dependent on the individual person.

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