CPHP fragrance help needed

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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Hi all.

How much fragrance oil do you add to crock pot HP batches? In terms of "ppo"....

How much for essential oil?

Thanks for your help :)
I generally use 1 oz ppo whether I am using the CP or the HP method. Just make sure to keep notes of your results for future references.
I usually cut my fragrance amount in half but you can use up to 1oz ppo.

.7oz ppo I use
I've heard use less for HP soap (compared to CP) but I'm inclined to try the same because most of my fragrance disappointments have been "too weak or not noticeable." I'm finding that for CP soap 1 oz ppo is a good starting number, although sometimes 1 oz ppo can be objectionably too strong (my ylang batch) and other times 1 oz ppo can be undetectable or only faint in the resultant soap.

I'll have to catch up with you. :) I've got my dedicated CP all ready although I've only done rebatch with the CP so far.

My main interest in HP is that only in HP can you be absolutely certain which fats are present in your superfatting. That, and it's said that your scenting and colorizing can be easier and/or more accurate after the soap has gelled since the lye is gone before the scent/color is added.