Cosmetic Notification Form

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Dec 13, 2024
Reaction score
Hi all!

I recently submitted my CNF for the first time. I’m a little bit confused as to whether I can sell right away or have to wait for approval? I’ve heard mixed answers and was hoping to get it clarified so I’m following the regulations to a T. I am also located in Canada if that makes a difference.

I got a cosmetic number and case number from this submission.

Thank you!! :)
Thank you!!
Just thought I would elaborate a bit more on my response. A cosmetic notification form is not an approval procedure of your formula. You're simply notifying Health Canada about your product and the ingredients you're using; they just want to make sure you're not using ingredients that are banned or controlled. They do not approve or disapprove your product/formula.

If you ever have questions regarding the CNF procedure, or the CNF in general, there is a woman on Facebook who used to work for Health Canada and she regularly hosts free Zoom workshops about the entire procedure. It's free and it's well worth the 2ish hours of your time. Even though I'd already been making and selling for almost 7 years, I learned a lot when I sat in on a session.