clean up

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
South Riding, VA
I am always amazed as a newbie to see these long lists of everyone's soaping plans for the day... For me, 2 batches on a weekend is a great feat!

I know it makes it easier/less time-consuming when you have your recipes pre-mixed as I know a lot of you do, but other than that, how do you do so much in a day/weekend?

What is your clean-up routine? I have to run my pots and equipment through the wash before the next batch. Do you use a whole different set of equipment for each batch or do you wash and re-use?

I'd love to know the best way to streamline this process... from all you seasoned professionals and/or ultra-efficient people out there! :)
My clean up is easy since I make rebatch. I have to different pyrex dishes one for goatmilk and one for vegan batches. Not that anyone would know but at least I know and if they asked I would tell them. I only make 4lbs a day but if I needed to make more I would just use my crockpot. Thats all I'm making right now.
well my batches consist of 2 pound trial batches for new fragrances, and anything inbetween up to 4 pounds. ( different mold sizes ). i use small lard buckets and buckets i have saved from pre-made lotion base purchases. after all these years i have lots. ( word of caution if you start to use these, especially the 4 lb lard buckets never and i mean never rely on the handle to move anything in them ( lye solution or raw soap) from area to area. & lotion buckets need metal handle removed if placed in microwave ).

i am not one who uses premeasured oils or lye solution. so using these buckets has made it easy for me to soap up to 6 batches at a time until my diswasher is full. since my lye solution is the same strengh i use the same whisk to stir all the lye solutions ( i line up the six buckets and measure out the water into each one, then measure out the lye for one bucket and stir till dissolved and move on to the next one ). i measure out the hard oils for each batch. and do what i need to inbetween waiting for the lye solution to cool. i don't use a sb i hand stir, i have several large whisks and spatulas, small whisks for mixing colorants and a hord of small glass measuring cups for mixing misc small things. yard sales, dollar stores and goodwill or salvation army type places are great for getting this kind of stuff cheap just make sure to use stainless steel whisks or spoons and items that will not react to the lye solution or raw soap or fragrance oils. it may not react with it on first use but may continue to break down over time. hot, hot water and original dawn dish detergent if i need to use something inbetween batches and they 're all dirty.

i have been known to ask for soaping stuff for birthdays and christmas ( i have no shame when it comes to making soap ).

or you can made a larger batch size of raw soap and split it into smaller batches, color and scent them individually. this works easily if you split it up right after the raw soap is emulsified and you know how your soap base, fragrances and or other additives are going to react. and sometimes it can become hectic getting that last one done when it is say # 5 on the list and has become thicker then you want whispy swirls.

i know it seems silly to some to do such small batches when you make as much soap as i do as a whole. but i feel i have better control over the whole process. i've been told by many i have control issues :? so this just fits my personality profile i quess.

the more you soap the more ways you will find to cut corners till it all works for you.
I have to clean up??? Are you telling me that no sweet little fairies will do it for me? :shock:

Being new also, I reuse some of the same utensils. I will weight out everything for each batch, cover and mark the contents, then set aside with the print out. Save the plastic containers from butter and such to use for oils and butters. Like Barb, I collect small glass bowls and cups for mixing/weighing things that may react. Some small food jars (like baby food jars) are good for this, too if you can easily remove what you put in. I have a dish pan to put dirty stuff in, wash and dry by hand (I wear my lye gloves for so I can use super hot water), then proceed on. Really all I need to wash is my one ss pot and the stick blender. When finished, I wash, dry, and put everything on a cart that I roll away. Then I spritz my work surfaces and sink with vinegar/water solution, wipe up, spritz floor (in case of droplets) with same solution and damp mop out the door.

Best tip I ever read and use: Cover your scale lightly with plastic wrap to protect from spills. When done, throw it away. This has saved me many times.

I clean as I go. In between batches I get everything lined up and ready to go another round. Lol! I can't stand a mess in my kitchen.
Cleaning up is the worst for me. I stink at it no matter if I'm making soap, bath products, cooking dinner or baking a cake. Cleanup is the worst! lol

I don't have a system in place, but I really need to, because I have a very very small kitchen with limited counter space.

Thankfully, I live alone, so my mess doesn't bother anyone but me.

It's a process...I make the biggest messes while I work!

I pre- plan my actions and make a list for the next day.
Up at seven, go over web sales, invoices.... COFFEE.
I start my wax products first, move to my glycerin (since they need they longest time to cool) Move on to lotions and gels, hair care....

In between products I sanitize my utensils to use for the next wave of "cooking" I have a portable dishwasher I keep on the counter in the kitchen (I am VERRRRY limited on space) and while my soaping utensils are going through their wash, I package the previous products.

So I start Tarts, and move to glycerin, while my tarts & glycerin dishes are cleaning, I package my tarts and check e-mails, Once the dishes are done, I move to lotions, while the lotion dishes are cleaning, I package my glycerin....

Same thing if I spend I day doing CP. (Which I haven't been able to do for a month :cry: :cry: :cry: ) I do a batch, sanitize dishes, get oils ready for the next batch....Start next batch, sanitize...prep...

Of course, I have a six yr old and a three yr old, and my hubby is gone from 3 am to 8pm on the weekdays (work & school) SO... I use my "sanitize time" to do the mom & wife stuff, also. Getting the kids involved helps too. My daughter can read now, so She looks over my "plan Sheet" for the day and lines up my FOs and EO and colors and stuff, so I have a nice line of supplies ready for my next task. (Of course the dangerous supplies stay in the "danger zone" and she KNOWS not to touch them)
Well, I'm the pre-mixed, master batched CPer here I guess. :lol: I have a 5 gallon bucket I keep 1/2 to 3/4 full all of the time with my recipe in it sitting at room temperature. Once a week, I measure out the needed amount to fill that bucket up again. I usually have between a quart to 3 quarts of 50% strength lye solution in my HDPE safe jug. I just measure out how much master batched recipe I need for the mold I want to use, multiply the SAP value of my recipe (which is .143) pour out double that number as 50% lye solution, put the weighed recipe in my stand mixer, start whipping, add the lye solution, s l o w l y, add the needed goat milk to bring my solution strength down to 31 to 33%, add scent, add colour, remove some batter for additional colours, and pour into my mold.

Using 2 or 3 molds, I can make 2 or 3, 50 ounce batches per hour if I want, and up to 6 to 9 batches in a 12 hour day.

Paul :wink:
Geez Lane!! I am tired just reading your day. :lol: :lol: I sure wish the good soaper fairies would get here already and clean my kitchen.

Lane said:
(Of course the dangerous supplies stay in the "danger zone" and she KNOWS not to touch them)

"I went to the danger zone, gonna take a ride into the danger zone........"

Sorry Lane, couldn't resist! :lol: Man am I showing my age! Tom and I are the same age, 45! I wish I looked 1/2 as good as he does though!:oops:
Soapmaker Man said:
Lane said:
(Of course the dangerous supplies stay in the "danger zone" and she KNOWS not to touch them)

"I went to the danger zone, gonna take a ride into the danger zone........"

Sorry Lane, couldn't resist! :lol: Man am I showing my age! Tom and I are the same age, 45! I wish I looked 1/2 as good as he does though!:oops:
The Petty Tom is SOOO much cooler than the Cruiz one :lol:
digit said:
Geez Lane!! I am tired just reading your day. :lol: :lol: I sure wish the good soaper fairies would get here already and clean my kitchen.

When they get done at your place, send them this way. It's organization day and I realllllly don't feel like doing it ...
Here is the 5 gallon bucket I use to store my best recipe in bulk. The bar of soap is to show the size of the container. I use a plastic ladle to mix ans scoop out the master-batch into my measuring container that sits on my scale.

It is about 1/2 full now. I just made a double batch of GM & beer soap scented with clove and patch EO's.


Thank you, guys, for all your helpful suggestions. You sure are some seriously busy soapers. I suppose that's what I have to look forward to when I start actually selling my soaps! IF they even sell, that is! I guess I should HOPE that I become as busy as all of you! :D

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