Carrot juice, carrot oil, or carrot EO?

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Soapmaker Man

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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SW Missouri
How do you guys use this in CP? I want to get the steam distilled EO for trying in my lotion recipe though for sure. 8) I'm trying to develop a sun tanning lotion recipe. Help.....
I just made soap with carrot juice and honey today. I just subbed out my liquid for the CJ. Not sure how I like it though.
pjb31apb said:
I just made soap with carrot juice and honey today. I just subbed out my liquid for the CJ. Not sure how I like it though.

Did it colour the soap a carrot orange? I was reading on the many benefits of carrot juice in soap and EO in creams and lotions.
I soap with pureed carrots and it turns my soap yellow. I think a soap with purred carrots, carrot juice and carrot EO sounds divine!

When I make mine, besides purred carrots, I also put in ground oats and honey. But next time, I'm going to have to use carrot juice and if I scent it, carrot EO. Thanks for the idea Paul. 8)
Hey CP, Camden-Grey has the carrot EO steam distilled, pretty good price from what I've seen. Check it out. I want to get some for my lotion. :wink:
This is carrot juice, coconut milk and buckwheat honey. Not sure how I feel about it yet. The CM curdled and there was a nasty ammonia smell! I had to SB it until the motor on my poor baby was soooo hot! I thought that it was going to have curdles throughout, but it actually came out creamy inside. See how it wrinkled up on the top though! ... 0_0213.jpg ... 0237-1.jpg ... 0_0239.jpg

So I tried a smaller batch without the CM to see what would happen and this is what I got... ... 0_0215.jpg ... 0_0219.jpg ... 0_0227.jpg ... 0_0232.jpg

Smells a bit more carroty, but I still got that ammonia smell and it is still there after sap! Interestingly enough though both soaps simply left a clean aroma on my hands. I'll wait a while before giving a final opinion...

OT: Paul I sent you a pm.
I have made soap with buttermilk and Carrot Root Powder. It did turn a dark tan color but the soap is wonderful and feels so creamy on my skin. I got the Carrot Root Powder from Texas Natural Supply.
Skeel, wouldn't carrot root powder simply be dried carrots that have been ground to a powder? I have a food dehydrator, I might try this. :!:
Carrot & Other Vegie Juices

Warning! Annoying newby question :oops: :

When using vegie juices in soap, do they shorten the shelf-life? How long is a bar good for before the vegie-part spoils - or does it?
Yes Carrot root powder is just dried carrots. It makes lovely soap. I'll post a picture if I can figure out how.

The last time I made carrot soap I added a little tomato paste for colorant. The end result was more orange than using the pureed carrots/juice etc alone.
Re: Carrot & Other Vegie Juices

mandolyn said:
Warning! Annoying newby question :oops: :

When using vegie juices in soap, do they shorten the shelf-life? How long is a bar good for before the vegie-part spoils - or does it?

Adding veggie juices does nothing to the soap, but add their benifits. The saponification process cooks the ingredients and since soap is basically a salt, there is no preservative issues. I've used avocados pureed for a great bar of soap. I have one of those bars scented with Oatmeal, Milk, and Honey FO and it is a year old. :)
Hi Paul -

Does the Avocado puree give the soap a nice green color or do you still need colorant? I have been afraid to try the puree because I have read that some purees - actually I think it was some AMOUNTS of purees will go rancid. How far can you push it?
I think color looks great! And the swirl is certainly something to be desired, I can never get that effect. I have a feeling the ammonia smell will dissipate over time. I find when I make soap without any EO's or FO's they always have a kind of ammonia smell but it seems to go away in a couple weeks.
Marr said:
Hi Paul -

Does the Avocado puree give the soap a nice green color or do you still need colorant? I have been afraid to try the puree because I have read that some purees - actually I think it was some AMOUNTS of purees will go rancid. How far can you push it?

Nope, it turned a darker brown, not real dark, but more than a usual bar.
Thanks Neil! I am liking the color more and more and I am also liking how the scent is developing. I think that I should try it again using a different kind of honey, because the honey I used is very dark almost black! I was hoping to get a color like this... ... 0_0255.jpg
That is str8 carrot juice.

Here I think this is interesting. This is a comparison of my carrot, coconut milk and honey (the square one) with my cream and honey (the rectangular one). Very little color difference which is why I suspect that a different kind of honey may yield different results. ... 0_0267.jpg