Butterbeer soap and WPS's Beer Powder

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Professional Geek
May 20, 2015
Reaction score
Kingston, Georgia, USA
Hi guys! I said I'd report back on how the beer powder went when I got around to using it! I soaped using one tbsp ppo of the beer powder, and room temperature lye and oils.

Y'all it was a dream to work with, and so much easier than stirring lye into frozen beer and trying to get it to dissolve. It did move fast, like it does with regular beer, but my recipe is a fast moving one anyhow, so you might find you have plenty of time with a slower one.

No issues getting it to disperse completely in the oils, or with the batter overheating, I think I recommend the beer powder highly.

The cinnamon sticks are made of soap dough.

Now onto the pictures:


Very COOL looking; glad things worked as you hoped. Once they've cured and (if) you test the lather, let us know how the lather feels. Please and thanks. I love the beer soaps I've made but time-consuming to reduce the beer (removing alcohol and carbonation) and then freezing, etc. Where did you purchase the beer powder? I've seen some on Amazon.
Very COOL looking; glad things worked as you hoped. Once they've cured and (if) you test the lather, let us know how the lather feels. Please and thanks. I love the beer soaps I've made but time-consuming to reduce the beer (removing alcohol and carbonation) and then freezing, etc. Where did you purchase the beer powder? I've seen some on Amazon.
Wholesale Supplies Plus!

I don't mind reporting back on the lather in four weeks 0u0
I soaped using one tbsp ppo of the beer powder, and room temperature lye and oils.... Y'all it was a dream to work with, and so much easier than stirring lye into frozen beer and trying to get it to dissolve. ....No issues getting it to disperse completely in the oils, or with the batter overheating, I think I recommend the beer powder highly.
Thank you so much for that detailed explanation. Very helpful.
That’s nice looking soap! I have had good results making beer soap with beer reduced to about 25% of the original volume. I just SB it into my oils and subtract the weight of the reduced beer from my water. The nice thing about doing it that way is that I can use stout, ipa, etc. for “label appeal” and color.

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