Black bottles & jars

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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I am looking for black bottles & jars for a special project. Anyone have good sources for these?

Elements has malibu tubes.

Containers & Packaging has 2oz bottles but their shipping is more than I want to pay
WSP has 12 oz bottles on the clearance page. $6.00 for 48 bottles!
Nice find!!! I wish I was settled on my packaging. Still working on it. And the label, and the logo, and the formulations.................... :roll:

Tabitha said:
WSP has 12 oz bottles on the clearance page. $6.00 for 48 bottles!
I almost bought those!

Someone posted once when I was looking for bottles about Midwest something or other :oops:

Yeah! Digit posted the link! they have good clearance and I believe a larger selection of black bottles.

ood service and quick shipping. I believe they use FedEx which always comes in the morning for me, UPS always comes at like 9pm. :cry:
Lane said:
UPS always comes at like 9pm. :cry:

That stinks, wwaaayyyyy too late. The UPS delivers here about 10AM, unless I am waiting for them. Then they take their sweet bippy time and meander by about 5-ish. I know the sound of the truck. :lol: :lol:


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