Batches #13, #14 & #15

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Nothing really special, but here are my latest batches.

Sea Moss

Chunks & Swirls sort of. The chunks mostly melted & the swirl hardly shows.

Mary Jane in Jade - Hemp

I sented the hemp soap with Sandalwood, Gardenia & touch of Patchouli. Unfortunately, even though I used 1.7 oz for 32 oz of oils, the scent is barely there. I can smell the hemp, though. It feels realllllly creamy! I used about 25% hemp. :D
Hey, they look like I'd take any or all 3 for a test drive in my shower! :wink: Did you use your TOG Cutter to cut those bars? That soap deck looks familiar too. :lol: Nice job!

PS; Your newest TOG Mold, the 12/24 Bar Slab mold is headed your way. I hope you love it too. It really looks nice. I'm using a new material on the bottom, let me know how it releases from the soap. :wink:

Soapmaker Man said:
Hey, they look like I'd take any or all 3 for a test drive in my shower! :wink: Did you use your TOG Cutter to cut those bars? That soap deck looks familiar too. :lol: Nice job!

PS; Your newest TOG Mold, the 12/24 Bar Slab mold is headed your way. I hope you love it too. It really looks nice. I'm using a new material on the bottom, let me know how it releases from the soap. :wink:


Thanks everyone!!

:D Yup, that's your soap deck! Yes, I did cut those with my TOG cutter. I can't manage without that. Love it! I alternate slicing with both cutters, so one side is rippled & the other flat, then I stamp the flat side. I like how the end piece makes my bars all exactly the same size - no questimating.

I'll also be ordering a beveler. I've been holding out, but every time I pick up a new bar to use, I re-discover how much I hate those sharp edges. I like my bars to roll in my hand. I know they'll wear down, but I'm an instant gratification person.

Will your beveler shave down a rough surface as well, like a plainer? I can get 11 - 1" thick bars out of my log molds, but the end bars could be just a titch smoother on the one side.
Here's an update on the Hemp soap. It's very mild, so even though it's just over a week old, I've been using it - washing hands only. That in itself is amazing, but then this a.m. I decided to shower with it.

I grabbed my puff, held the bar under the water & began rubbing. Holy sh*!%t!!! The thing exploaded in suds!! I mean suds were literally rolling off it in big piles. It was awesome!!!! It's also got it's scent back, so it smells sooooooooooo good!!

I left the shower all happy & smelling good.

You have to understand. I'm not a morning person. My DH will gladly tell you, "Not a morning person doesn't come near to describing my wife in the morning!!!"

So for me to step out of the shower happy is an earth-shaker!!! :lol:

Here's a link to the recipe I used, although I adjusted it for 32 oz of oils:
Thanks for the update and thanks for the link. Very kind of you
to share that. Just when you think you have seen every soap
recipe, up pops a new one. So thanks again.

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