Well-Known Member
So it's been a long time since I've made soap myself but I do still remember a thing or two. I prefer to buy handmade now a days because I just don't have the time anymore and I can never get the fragrence as potent or as nice as some other artisans out there so I'd rather show my support for them and their craft...anyway..
So I purchased this bulk bag of "goat milk soap trimmies and Seconds"
No where in the listing did it say it was unusable as is. It just sounded like aesthetic issues and ends.
They came today and I always like to do a quick zap test on all handmade soaps I buy to be sure before I actually use them. These also looked like they had some chalky white stuff on them so I definitely wanted to check these.
They burned. Almost all of them burned my tongue. Heck, my tongue still burns from them so something seems off. Could soda ash do that? Could this be soda ash or is it indeed lye heavy? I haven't washed/rinsed/cut them yet because I want to hear back from the seller first before doing anything. But I think my next step would be to wash one off, zap test, then cut it open and zap test and hope its' just soda ash.
Otherwise, is there anything I can do to save these bars for the body? I'm kinda bummed because this was a good deal and would have lasted me a long time in the shower...sigh. And rinsing my hands after handling them feels so creamy that I really hope I can use these and it's just a case of an outer layer or something. I've just never, ever had a bar do this before..either made by me or otherwise so I'm mostly just really confused and really hope it's a simple fix.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Here are some pics:
This seems to be the worst bar of them all:
So I purchased this bulk bag of "goat milk soap trimmies and Seconds"
No where in the listing did it say it was unusable as is. It just sounded like aesthetic issues and ends.
They came today and I always like to do a quick zap test on all handmade soaps I buy to be sure before I actually use them. These also looked like they had some chalky white stuff on them so I definitely wanted to check these.
They burned. Almost all of them burned my tongue. Heck, my tongue still burns from them so something seems off. Could soda ash do that? Could this be soda ash or is it indeed lye heavy? I haven't washed/rinsed/cut them yet because I want to hear back from the seller first before doing anything. But I think my next step would be to wash one off, zap test, then cut it open and zap test and hope its' just soda ash.
Otherwise, is there anything I can do to save these bars for the body? I'm kinda bummed because this was a good deal and would have lasted me a long time in the shower...sigh. And rinsing my hands after handling them feels so creamy that I really hope I can use these and it's just a case of an outer layer or something. I've just never, ever had a bar do this before..either made by me or otherwise so I'm mostly just really confused and really hope it's a simple fix.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Here are some pics:
This seems to be the worst bar of them all:

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