I was going to, but the potential liability of breaking facebook and getting sued for loss of service caused my lawyers to rule against my joining. Sorry...
lol.....aaaah you were expecting that one werent you...couldnt be any worse than the pics ive put up there (like me drunk takin a pic with a mango lol)
*waves hand* I have a facebook...but I'm never on it I have a myspace too! But I'm never one that either...
I think I've been on MS for about four yrs now :shock: About six months ago I deleted everything from it and just left a few pics up... I have like 900 "friends"... I only "know" maybe 50 of them...but it's the only way to keep in touch with my littlest sis who is alllllllways on myspace!
sooooooooo many people I know are on there for houuuuuuuuuurs...I might go on from time to time and write/respond to a message but other than that I dont sit there for hours with it lol...tooo time consuming!