Anyone here have dreadlocks and make shampoo bars?

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Aug 27, 2012
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Okay I've done a search here and didn't find much info. I was wondering if anyone makes dread shampoo bars. I'm not looking for a recipe per say as much as just helpful information on making shampoo bars. Mostly what is a good superfatting %

Dreadlocks don't need as much conditioning in the beginning stages because we don't want to un-knot the hair. But instead cause the hair to keep knotting and to tighten down to hold the knots. We want to avoid as much residue as possible so oils and yuck doesn't build up on the inside of the dread. Also we don't want to dry the hair out so much as to cause breakage.

I wash my hair 1-3 times a week depending on weather (hot and sweaty) or what type if work I'm doing at the time. (Sometimes I groom dogs or garden etc.) And I do a deep cleanse 1-2 times a month of baking soda and vinegar.

The purchased shampoo bar that I was using has palm, coconut, castor and hemp (in that order) of coarse I don't know what %s to use for superfat or oils. But I made a bar with those oils and used jojoba instead of hemp with a 2% supefat but it doesn't feel quite right.

So any opinions, ideas, or knowledge sharing would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Oh wow! Nobody here at SMF has dreads? Surely someone does. :)

Well if I can figure a recipe out everyone, sellers included, are more than welcome to the recipe. I just can't see spending approx $10.00 plus shipping for something I should be able to make.

Here is the recipe I have so far. Feel free to share your thoughts -

Did mine hot process
Lye reduction for 2% super fat

PO - 43%
CO - 30%
Castor - 22%
Jojoba - 5%

Essential oils for scent and benefits

Let me know what you guys think please. Thanks
Here's a shampoo bar thread for you to read and get some info, I made this about 4 weeks ago and find it very conditioning and not stripping and no build up. No dreads. This bar was SF at 6%.

You might have to wait for a reply because your next post was only 10 hours after the first, not everyone comes in here every day.
Here's a shampoo bar thread for you to read and get some info, I made this about 4 weeks ago and find it very conditioning and not stripping and no build up. No dreads. This bar was SF at 6%.

You might have to wait for a reply because your next post was only 10 hours after the first, not everyone comes in here every day.

Thank you. I will go check that out. The recipe I listed above felt like left some residue so that's why I am hoping to go a slightly different direction.

I will practice some patience. Lol it is so very hard for me that's why I do hot process soap.:) Thanks again and have a great weekend
I am visiting my dread-headed (is that a word?) daughter tomorrow and will take a shampoo bar I made using the original recipe from the above link and see what she thinks. But I just noticed at the bottom of your post that you have Caucasian hair. Dd has coarse ethnic hair, so it might not be a good critique for you.
I used to have dreads. When i did, the best thing i ever used for a shampoo was plain old borax and water. put some borax in a gallon jug, fill it with water and shake for a while. use the liquid portion for shampoo.
I am visiting my dread-headed (is that a word?) daughter tomorrow and will take a shampoo bar I made using the original recipe from the above link and see what she thinks. But I just noticed at the bottom of your post that you have Caucasian hair. Dd has coarse ethnic hair, so it might not be a good critique for you.

Dread-headed works for me. Lol That would be wonderful. I'm not sure how shampoos would effect my type hair versus hers as everyone's hair is different but I think knowledge either way is a good thing. I have to get a few ingredients before I can make up a batch from the link. But I think it would be awesome to get info on how it works with different dreaded hair types. It would maybe give us some ideas where to go from there if it did or didn't work. Thank you so much for your reply.
This is something I also would like to know. Some family members of mine have dreads but use a dry shampoo.

I know some are able to use dry shampoo and I could the first couple weeks but after that I couldn't anymore. I think because of the deep cleanse mix I use. It has sea salt and lemon in it that dries and tightens everything up a bunch. What type of hair do they have if you don't mind me asking? Maybe the recipe from the link above, or if need be, a new recipe we come up with will work for most or all of us. :)
I used to have dreads. When i did, the best thing i ever used for a shampoo was plain old borax and water. put some borax in a gallon jug, fill it with water and shake for a while. use the liquid portion for shampoo.

If you don't mind me asking - what type of hair do you have? How often did you wash (No judgements here) I know with dreads some wash more often some less. And approx. How much borax did you use?

Thanks for your reply. :)
Not at all. Fine caucasian hair. Honestly I dont recall how often i washed it, but im sure it wasnt daily. I forgot to mention, let the mixture settle before using the liquid portion, otherwise you will have borax grit to contend with. How much? eh, an inch or so in the bottom of a jug. It doesnt really matter how much as long as you add enough so some settles. The water can only hold a certain amount of dissolved borax. Its the dissolved solids that do the job, not the stuff left at the bottom. I would pour it on my scalp and rub it around there like a shampoo-it doesnt bubble so it might take some getting used to-then just rinse the rest through my locks. Makes for a good body wash too.
Oh wow! Nobody here at SMF has dreads? Surely someone does. :)

Well if I can figure a recipe out everyone, sellers included, are more than welcome to the recipe. I just can't see spending approx $10.00 plus shipping for something I should be able to make.

Here is the recipe I have so far. Feel free to share your thoughts -

Did mine hot process
Lye reduction for 2% super fat

PO - 43%
CO - 30%
Castor - 22%
Jojoba - 5%

Essential oils for scent and benefits

Let me know what you guys think please. Thanks

I made a shampoo bar with high CO & Castor and found it very drying, causing itchy, flakey patches on my skin. I know everyone's hair/skin is different, but you might want to try incorporating more conditioning/moisturizing oils.
I know some are able to use dry shampoo and I could the first couple weeks but after that I couldn't anymore. I think because of the deep cleanse mix I use. It has sea salt and lemon in it that dries and tightens everything up a bunch. What type of hair do they have if you don't mind me asking? Maybe the recipe from the link above, or if need be, a new recipe we come up with will work for most or all of us. :)

I've bean away from all computers for a cupple day now sorry dident see the question. She has verry thin blound hair.
Just so you know, Eleighc, this topic of shampoo bars for dreads has come up a number of times and there is very little about it. I've seen it asked several times before, people have done general searches but it seems like an elusive topic. This is the longest thread I've seen on it, from my recollection! If you come up with a good recipe, I think you could have a LOT of interest.

I have no experience with it so can't offer any suggestions but I thought I'd tell you the interest is out there, but the information about a recipe is not. Hope you find a good one- you'll be golden!
I don't have dreads, nor do I know anyone now who has them to ask, but in the link that Relle provided you on shampoo bars, Genny suggested dropping coconut oil from your bar since it can be too cleansing. Have you tried a regular old Castile soap? Also, hard water can cause problems with shampoo bars rinsing clean from your hair! Best wishes-be sure to share your results! Also, we tend to like pictures round the forum :)
Not at all. Fine caucasian hair. Honestly I dont recall how often i washed it, but im sure it wasnt daily. I forgot to mention, let the mixture settle before using the liquid portion, otherwise you will have borax grit to contend with. How much? eh, an inch or so in the bottom of a jug. It doesnt really matter how much as long as you add enough so some settles. The water can only hold a certain amount of dissolved borax. Its the dissolved solids that do the job, not the stuff left at the bottom. I would pour it on my scalp and rub it around there like a shampoo-it doesnt bubble so it might take some getting used to-then just rinse the rest through my locks. Makes for a good body wash too.

H,,, it sounds like something I'm willing to try. Although since I started making soap I so love bubbles. Lol but I am willing to use what works best for my hair. Thanks for tips and info.
I made a shampoo bar with high CO & Castor and found it very drying, causing itchy, flakey patches on my skin. I know everyone's hair/skin is different, but you might want to try incorporating more conditioning/moisturizing oils.

Thanks I will keep that in mind and monitor what my scalp is telling me while trying this one out. I'm a little worried about the palm to as some say it leaves residue and some say it doesn't. Lot of testing and record keeping in my near future. :)
I've bean away from all computers for a cupple day now sorry dident see the question. She has verry thin blound hair.

No problem. Thanks for the info. It really would be awesome to achieve an universal dread shampoo bar. I know that would be very difficult if not impossible. Everyone's hair and scalp are so different. But I still want to give it a go. :)
Just so you know, Eleighc, this topic of shampoo bars for dreads has come up a number of times and there is very little about it. I've seen it asked several times before, people have done general searches but it seems like an elusive topic. This is the longest thread I've seen on it, from my recollection! If you come up with a good recipe, I think you could have a LOT of interest.

I have no experience with it so can't offer any suggestions but I thought I'd tell you the interest is out there, but the information about a recipe is not. Hope you find a good one- you'll be golden!

Thank you. I'm glad so many have responded. I was shocked that the world wide web didn't cough up much on the subject. But I am in hopes to figure it out and share.
Just so you know, Eleighc, this topic of shampoo bars for dreads has come up a number of times and there is very little about it. I've seen it asked several times before, people have done general searches but it seems like an elusive topic. This is the longest thread I've seen on it, from my recollection! If you come up with a good recipe, I think you could have a LOT of interest.

I have no experience with it so can't offer any suggestions but I thought I'd tell you the interest is out there, but the information about a recipe is not. Hope you find a good one- you'll be golden!

Absolutely!! I've been there and done that! I'm a white women with thick hair. I currently use my salt bar made with coconut milk and rinse with vinegar and water mix. I often wonder if there isn't something better. Oh, and my dreads are only 8 months new..... :thumbup:
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