I agree, I dont take many books literally word for word but just pull the concepts out of them that i feel pertain to what i believe and what i think is valid... all just personal thing, I do think that the 4 main concepts are definitely very powerful,
and yes i have watched the secret (ive got the little book but i watched the movie...and agree it was a little nutty ) but i do believe in it...sometimes people call me a little crazy but i really do think that the vibes you put out will come back in some form, so if you spread positivity, then that is what shall be returned (most of the time) and vice versa. I definitely believe in the concept of the secret, but i dont like how they sort of channeled it towards materialistic things in a way. I feel that wishing for material is simply that...wishing, and my opinion is anything that can be destroyed by a vast wind or flood or storm is worthless, whats left after that makes you rich...your relationships, friends, core values, morals and most certainly wisdom and knowledge attained... I could go on an on about my theories... such as parallel thought, when on person comes up with a concept, its amazing that half of the time there will be someone on the other side of the world that comes up with the same idea around the same time. I just think there is SOOOO much more out there that we dont know about that effects us every day, even knowing how to use our brains to the fullest potential, I feel a new scientific paradigm must be created in order for us to understand what else is out there..like there are things which our instruments cant read, i can feel it but cant put a finger on it...anyone else get this feeling????
Ive also been doing research on the Schumann resonance (7.83Hz), which is supposedly the heartbeat of the Earth vibrationally. so when you meditate if one is able to tune into such frequencies, there is a possibility to gain wisdom trapped like information in radio waves...might be a little out there but i think it has a lot of validity in my life. I feel that there is a collective knowledge body that one can access through deep meditation (kind of when those who follow meditation speak of enlightenment..i think thats when they find they can access this body freely)...
"In 1957, German physicist Dr W. O. Schumann calculated the Earth/ionosphere cavity resonance frequencies (which were named after him). He fixed the most predominant standing wave at about 7.83 Hz.
A "tuned system" consists of at least two oscillators of identical resonant frequencies. If one oscillator starts emitting, the other will be activated by the signal very shortly, in the process of resonance, entrainment or kindling (igniting the resonance phenomenon among the neurons). It becomes obvious that in deep meditation, when waves of alpha and theta rhythms cascade across the entire brain, a resonance is possible between the human being and the planet. Energy and information which are embedded in a field are transferred. Perhaps the planet communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies.
According to Hainsworth, the influence of naturally occurring Schumann's resonance signals on brain-wave pattern evolution is formally stated to show that low-power electrical fields could produce evolutionary change. The electrical fields produced by modern electro-technology are then possible sources of evolutionary change. The characteristics of some forms which might result should be considered. Some fields might inhibit survival of existing forms. Because of lack of available data, precise measurements are lacking and must therefore be quantitatively valueless. Technology not only will change, but is changing, human evolution. Only extensive investigation of the naturally occurring signals will give any lead in showing what results might occur."
also, speaking of putting positive vibes out, and seeing the effect...check this out it will blow your mind!!!
this guy projected positive and negative thoughts or words to water, and analyzed the crystalline structures afterwards, he found that negative thoughts/words would make nasty crystals and positive would make beautiful ones!...quite amazing...
I could go on and on about this, let me know if i bore you...i seriously could probably write a book on all these different theories i have about the world

...so if you all give me the ok...ill keep going into them if you want to turn this into a discussion like that!!...i love talking about stuff like this, and it would be cool to hear everyone else's theories as well