Anyone ever read The Four Agreements?

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Freemason, Maker, Father, Mover & Shaker
Supporting Member
Jan 10, 2008
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DeLand, FL
Its a book by Don Michael Ruiz (I think thats his name) definitely opened my eyes to a few things, and taught me to live more conscious of my word and actions,

word can be translated into sound...sound is words have power...dont ever underestimate the power of word...
Ian, I had some mixed feelings about parts of the book. HOWEVER, I believe in the 4 messages themselves. Words are very powerful and we have a great deal of responsibility that we hold in using them or at times NOT using them. I think anyone who reads the front, inside cover could learn a lot there alone. k
i haven't read the secret, but i have watched it. i thought the message was fabulous, but the movie was a little nutty. I actually do practice the secret, off and on and it does work!
I didn't read the book but I got the cds. I think there is something to be said for positive thoughts bringing positive things into your life. But to what extent>?????


I agree, I dont take many books literally word for word but just pull the concepts out of them that i feel pertain to what i believe and what i think is valid... all just personal thing, I do think that the 4 main concepts are definitely very powerful,

and yes i have watched the secret (ive got the little book but i watched the movie...and agree it was a little nutty ) but i do believe in it...sometimes people call me a little crazy but i really do think that the vibes you put out will come back in some form, so if you spread positivity, then that is what shall be returned (most of the time) and vice versa. I definitely believe in the concept of the secret, but i dont like how they sort of channeled it towards materialistic things in a way. I feel that wishing for material is simply that...wishing, and my opinion is anything that can be destroyed by a vast wind or flood or storm is worthless, whats left after that makes you rich...your relationships, friends, core values, morals and most certainly wisdom and knowledge attained... I could go on an on about my theories... such as parallel thought, when on person comes up with a concept, its amazing that half of the time there will be someone on the other side of the world that comes up with the same idea around the same time. I just think there is SOOOO much more out there that we dont know about that effects us every day, even knowing how to use our brains to the fullest potential, I feel a new scientific paradigm must be created in order for us to understand what else is out there are things which our instruments cant read, i can feel it but cant put a finger on it...anyone else get this feeling????

Ive also been doing research on the Schumann resonance (7.83Hz), which is supposedly the heartbeat of the Earth vibrationally. so when you meditate if one is able to tune into such frequencies, there is a possibility to gain wisdom trapped like information in radio waves...might be a little out there but i think it has a lot of validity in my life. I feel that there is a collective knowledge body that one can access through deep meditation (kind of when those who follow meditation speak of enlightenment..i think thats when they find they can access this body freely)...

"In 1957, German physicist Dr W. O. Schumann calculated the Earth/ionosphere cavity resonance frequencies (which were named after him). He fixed the most predominant standing wave at about 7.83 Hz.

A "tuned system" consists of at least two oscillators of identical resonant frequencies. If one oscillator starts emitting, the other will be activated by the signal very shortly, in the process of resonance, entrainment or kindling (igniting the resonance phenomenon among the neurons). It becomes obvious that in deep meditation, when waves of alpha and theta rhythms cascade across the entire brain, a resonance is possible between the human being and the planet. Energy and information which are embedded in a field are transferred. Perhaps the planet communicates with us in this primal language of frequencies.

According to Hainsworth, the influence of naturally occurring Schumann's resonance signals on brain-wave pattern evolution is formally stated to show that low-power electrical fields could produce evolutionary change. The electrical fields produced by modern electro-technology are then possible sources of evolutionary change. The characteristics of some forms which might result should be considered. Some fields might inhibit survival of existing forms. Because of lack of available data, precise measurements are lacking and must therefore be quantitatively valueless. Technology not only will change, but is changing, human evolution. Only extensive investigation of the naturally occurring signals will give any lead in showing what results might occur."

also, speaking of putting positive vibes out, and seeing the effect...check this out it will blow your mind!!!

this guy projected positive and negative thoughts or words to water, and analyzed the crystalline structures afterwards, he found that negative thoughts/words would make nasty crystals and positive would make beautiful ones!...quite amazing...

I could go on and on about this, let me know if i bore you...i seriously could probably write a book on all these different theories i have about the world :) if you all give me the ok...ill keep going into them if you want to turn this into a discussion like that!!...i love talking about stuff like this, and it would be cool to hear everyone else's theories as well :)
Ian, I couldn't agree with you more. The materialism stuff disappointed me, however, the simplicity of the rest - I love! AND YES, I really had to force myself to watch the Secret movie beyond the first 15 or so minutes of the weird beginning, thankfully I had read the book first. As I am a Christian, I had to pull out those ideas in both books that followed my faith. Both had Biblically based ideas, thoughts and such. k
Joanne, I believe we are only limited by ourselves and by what society tries to hammer into us. I wish I could share some great wisdom or insight here.....but I can only say that the power of prayer, positive thinking and being kind are the most important tools in my life. Tools isn't quite the word, but I think you can get the gist. lol. k
My words come with a disclaimer because I am aware that people argue over religions quite a bit, i never want to argue over as you read my words, be aware they are just words, my view and perception on the world around me...and i mean that in all respect :)

I dont really follow a specific religion, I think of religion as a pyramid, the top being a source of energy, I liken this to God, I guess...i kind of feel like it is the same essence in all religions, and the building blocks of the pyramid are all of the other religions, all built on the same sort of foundations and general precepts, do good, dont kill, treat eachother with respect etc...I feel like all of the religious leaders throughout society had the same wisdom, and may have possessed some of the energy of that universal essence each of these leaders was catered specifically to the particular culture or social group they served so that their messages would be accepted by the group which they spoke. Thats just my view of things, my belief...i share it but never impose it on anyone or anything because it is simply my belief. They all had slightly different variations of the same message. My goal is to hear all messages and then develop my own understanding, instead of being bogged down by one house of God, might come from being forced to go to church my whole life til i was able to make my own decisions... my House is the Earth. I pray to everything, I give thanks to everything that exists around me, from the food i eat to the birds that sing, to the ants that cross my path that i cautiously try to step over, careful not to cause harm. I give thanks for LIFE :). I do respect every religion there is, because there is something to learn from everyone and every thing. about what culture drives into us...anyone ever read any of Daniel Quinn's books, Ishmael, and My Ishmael...those two opened my eyes to the voice of Mother Culture..

from when we are very young, society tells us what is right and wrong, what to eat, wear, say, think (and learn), produce, want for, have access to.......EVERYTHING...

I try to stay away from the mainstream societal thinking, because I refuse to let myself be ignorant to the world around me. I want a global perspective as opposed to a one sided view of one culture...

edit-- gallery, I agree to the fullest... those are quite powerful tools indeed
I believe in the concept of the whole positive thinking.....My comment to what extent it helps was more geared towards the way the concept was shown in the cds....being materialistic. I don't believe just because I believe I have a lot of money that money will start showing up in my bank account. But I do believe if I give out positive energy and love that I will receive it back.

Off my soapbox :lol:

i've got boatloads to say, but just til i finish my tea for now so i'll throw in 1 cent and be back with the rest....

i agree with you all about the secret showing you how to ask for material things, however, i've gone round about the movie with some folks and i think it was made to appeal to the TV watching masses that wouldn't sit down to watch a video like that unless Oprah told them to and they make it have lots of action and things they want (or think they want).

its all about how you phrase things and how you ask for things. most folks think that if that had tons of money it would bring happiness. i've been learning toe reading/soul coaching and its really about figuring out the right question to ask to let someone figure it out themself. so with the secret, same thing, you need to ask someone the right questions to get to the heart of what would truly make them happy.

ex. "i want to win the lottery so i don't have to work and worry about money anymore" if you start talking to the person about why they don't want to work and what they worry about eventually it may come out that, hey they aren't a lazy schmoe, its really that they miss being away from their family and not getting to see school plays and that they worry they won't be able to help their kids pay for school. maybe their job isn't fulfilling and its just another day another dollar to them. so instead of asking to win the lottery, they would want to ask that they get to have more time with family and to find a career that they are passionate about and enjoy going to that pays well enough to allow them to provide for their family.
yes I agree, I think there is a bit of psychology behind what they said in the vid, and they had to make it appeal to the masses (who are for the most part quite materialistic)...

joanne- yes i agree, I dont think that money will start pouring into my account if i concentrate on it...but yes positive vibes out, positive vibes back!!... thats why i like meditation, there are several mantras such as when you breath in you say "thank", and when you breath out "you".... kind of like a thanks for life mantra :)

I love this type of stuff

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