Aloe Juice vs Reconstituted 200x Aloe Powder

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Oct 7, 2024
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Hello all! I would like to replace some of my distilled water with either aloe juice or reconstituted aloe powder. I have masterbatched 1:1 lye solution and would like to add aloe to reach a 2:1 liquid to lye ratio.

Have any of you used both and noticed a difference between them? I’m particularly interested if the anti caking agents in the aloe powder make a difference or cause any issues in making CP soap. Thank you so much.
I've used the 100x aloe powder in CP soap with no problems. My lye is also masterbatched at 50%, so I mix the aloe powder into my additional water instead of my usual 1-2% sorbitol, and along with my usual 1-2% sodium citrate.
I use both depending on how lazy I am about cutting my aloe and juicing it ( and I often am lazy!) I would say, if you've master batched your lye then I would go for the 200x powder so that you can use 'full aloe' rather than half. I don't know notice any difference due to anti-caking agents, because the one I buy has nothing added.
I use both depending on how lazy I am about cutting my aloe and juicing it ( and I often am lazy!) I would say, if you've master batched your lye then I would go for the 200x powder so that you can use 'full aloe' rather than half. I don't know notice any difference due to anti-caking agents, because the one I buy has nothing added.
Having double checked, the lotioncrafter aloe Vera powder does not have any additives. The WSP powder i was looking at initially did have anti caking agents. Thank you!

I've used the 100x aloe powder in CP soap with no problems. My lye is also masterbatched at 50%, so I mix the aloe powder into my additional water instead of my usual 1-2% sorbitol, and along with my usual 1-2% sodium citrate.
Excellent, thank you so much!