A return to soaping

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Jan 31, 2020
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In the early 2000s, I started making soap. What started as a quest to make a fragrance free soap for our dog (who was allergic to fleas) became a passion. I discovered that I loved making soap and hated trying to sell to people. The Farmers Markets were brutal. "I only use Dove" 🤮 "I only use bodywash" to the one guy who ate my soap sample thinking it was cheese despite the signs and booth name and the kicker "your soap made my cooch burn" 😳 (I didn't know what to say to her).

But, the internet has opened new horizons to me and brought my love back. Specifically, The Soap Gal on YouTube.

I plan on doing doing wholesale and private label only with the occasional street fair.

So, I've done the business plan and now am doing research on scents, cuts, colors and product.

I'm happy to be here among you happy, kind people and sharing knowledge.

Well, some soap bars DO look like you can eat them, so I get it 😂 Welcome! Hopefully, this time your experience will be much better