3 butter soap

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Supporting Member
May 6, 2015
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My sister has pretty serious eczema and has been advised by her doctor to use only uncolored, unscented soap, lotion, shampoo etc. I made her a batch of soap with shea butter last spring, which is now almost gone.

I am wondering if using shea, cocoa, and mango butters (at 5% each) would be advisable, or should I just stick with shea and cocoa, or shea and mango. I was thinking of trying all three because I want to play, but I don't want to completely kill the lather. The rest of the recipe will be coconut at probably 15%, lard around 30-40% and the remainder some split of olive and sweet almond or avocado and castor. And just so everyone kind enough to respond knows, I really don't like castile, and I can sometimes smell lard at over 40% (with no EO/FO added I don't want to go higher).
If it's not broken, don't fix it. If your sisters skin is that delicate, I'd stay with what works. That being said, I use triple butters a lot, and don't find it kills my lather, but my recipe may differ from yours. You can always try simple syrup in your lye water, or other bubble enhancers so to speak. Your sister is lucky to have you! Happy soaping!
Thanks for the advice. I'll make her soap as before and play with three butters some other way. The lard will be a change though, since I hadn't started using it when I made her soap last time.