
Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Tomato Cosmic Swirl Soap - 2016July01

    Tomato Cosmic Swirl Soap - 2016July01

    My first attempt at a Cosmic Swirl didn't turn out very cosmic. This was my second Tomato soap made with red tomato paste or tomato sauce. Plain batter was pale beige; red oxide, green mica for color. Dragon's Blood FO.
  2. BattleGnome

    Tomato Scent

    Somehow I have it in my head that I need to make a BLT soap. I was looking through my FO box yesterday and realized I have lettuce FO from BB and WSP bacon flavor oil (gotta double check usage but I know bacon has become very common in recent years). Does anyone have a source for a true...
  3. Misschief

    Cabbage Rolls/Galumpki

    For those of you who make them, what do you use - tomato juice, tomato soup, or tomato sauce? I'm trying to remember what my parents' neighbour used to do but that was over 50 years ago. I've never made my own but I want to. Any tips or tricks to share? Fave recipes?