sugar scrub

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. akseattle

    Can regular M&P soap base be used for Foaming Whipped Sugar Scrub?

    @Pru posted a link to an Ellen Ruth Soap Utube to make a Foaming Whipped Sugar Scrub. I thought I'd move the discussion to the M&P forum since it is made with M&P base. I watched that video. I have a couple different lemon based FO's that I've been wanting try out. I think this Foaming...
  2. S

    Best Body Scrub and Body Butter Vessel that's not plastic

    Hi there, I want to start selling body scrubs and body butter but don't want to use plastic vessels like the common ones that are being used. I'm currently looking into using aluminum cans but I'm worried it will rust or leak or using glass (mason jar but then there's a silicone suction in the...
  3. J

    Percent turmeric powder to use in sugar scrub?

    Hi everyone! I’m making a turmeric sugar scrub using turmeric powder to help reduce hyperpigmentation, scarring and inflammation. What is the lowest percent of turmeric powder I can use in this scrub and have it still be effective? Right now I use 5% but it stains and idk if I really need to use...