soap colorants

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    Experimenting with Colors in CP Soap

    Hello everyone! After nearly 12 years I have picked up cold process soapmaking again — I have a question for my experts here :) I recently came across a lovely soap by a brand that uses black rice milk in their soap. The soap is a soft light purple / greyish hue and I am trying to recreate it...
  2. Wendy90292

    The Dangers of....Mica?!?!

    THIS IS SUPER FREAKY! I love my mica colors - so pretty. But I happened onto an article online and then fell into an internet rabbit hole and what I learned is that (?!?!?!) most mica is mined in India, often by indigent kids under age 14. There are huge dangers and a high death rate for...