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  1. J

    Rosemary and Cedarwood

    I agree, gorgeous
  2. J

    Using molds (and unmolding) from hard plastic molds

    I agree with Dorymae. I use hard plastic molds all the time for CP and I do both mineral oil and freezer with good results.
  3. J

    Newbie selling to early

    I know that I've had this experience. Took me over a year of tweaking recipes to come up with a few I think are sellable. Still not selling, but in the middle of researching what I need to do to sell. Who knows, may wait another year to sell.
  4. J

    Sea soap test

    I didn't use colorant for the shells. That's the color I tend to get when I use IPA beer.
  5. J

    Sea soap test

    Thank you! Matte teal green pigment powder.
  6. J

    Sea soap test

    Thank you, Sinful7, lsg, Obsidian, and Jeanea! I got the idea last year from a coworker. She thought an ocean/beach bar would be cool. I tried to do it with layers and sand last year...that was a failure. Finally figured it out this year with embeds.
  7. J

    Sea soap test

    Just out of the mold, you can tell by the crumbles, I just couldn't wait to take the picture! The embeds are CP soaps made with beer and powdered pumice. The "ocean" is a salt bar. Both scented with sea/ocean FOs from WSP.
  8. J

    Recipe modification...or am I insane

    I've used frozen beer and that has worked.
  9. J

    Recipe modification...or am I insane

    I did not freeze the wine, but I also did not add the lye to the wine. I added it to the almond milk.
  10. J

    Are You Old Enough to Remember (Quiz)

    Ha! I'm 28 and got 12 right too.
  11. J

    Recipe modification...or am I insane

    Thanks, lsg! I'll experiment with it this weekend.
  12. J

    Recipe modification...or am I insane

    I've made the below face soap recipe a few times over the past year and have been generally satisfied with it. So far no rancidity from the first batch. Palm oil - 25% Coconut oil - 25% Avocado oil - 15% Olive oil - 10% Grapeseed oil - 10% Almond oil (sweet) - 10% Castor oil - 5% Cabernet...
  13. J

    Bad Lye?

    Not saying something isn't wrong with your lye, but castille soap (100% OO) does take forever to trace, especially if you use full water. Someone more experienced with lye will know better if it has gone bad or if you can test for effectiveness.
  14. J

    First Show Jitters

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great.
  15. J

    new here

  16. J

    Sandalwood FO

    I like the sandalwood FO from Symphony Scents.
  17. J

    Hello from VA!!!

    Welcome! I second the soap science lesson being a great idea.
  18. J

    Birch tar amount?

    Берестовый деготь means Birch Tar. If you see Эфирное масло some where on the label, it's essential oil...I think. It's been years since I took Russian. Maybe someone with better knowledge can answer.
  19. J

    Using Moonshine to make CP Soap

    Alcohol will cause soap to seize. Those who use beer or wine in their soap will usually boil out the alcohol first. Not sure how that would work for moonshine.
  20. J

    More soap

    Gorgeous! Can't wait to see the cut pics.