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    Help I have left out 20% of my oils **pics added**

    I am glad you posted this question. I will have to try rebatching my failed soap. The one I didn't check ingredients ahead of time for and discovered half way into in that I had just run out of one of the main oils. It is cured now so it may not rebatch well, but worth a try.
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    Orange Soap and Lavender Soap

    These two soaps have been curing for four weeks (at the time of the picture). I have a couple others made the same way that have kept their color for 3 months so far. I added the paprika powder directly to a reserved portion of the raw soap (1 tsp per cup of soap). It has worked for me...
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    Orange Soap and Lavender Soap

    I am still new here but thought I would share a couple of my recent soaps. I enjoy seeing what the rest of you have been doing. This one is scented with sweet orange and clove bud essential oils; I used paprika to give it the nice orange color. This one is scented with a blend of...
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    I got some Benzoin to use as a fixative also but am wondering if it will work in the way I was hoping. Right now I am trying out kaolin clay and cornstarch as fixatives. The kaolin seems to be working well, but I haven't had the cornstarch bars around long enough to test yet.
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    Sodium Hydroxide check

    Here in Canada I can get Sodium Hydroxide from Home Hardware stores. It is nice because I get can pick it up locally. Thankfully I haven't yet had to try getting it shipped to me.
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    New soap photos

    I like how you made the top of your bars fluffy and swirly. What is that technique called?
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    Hello from Alberta

    Thanks for the welcome, Hazel.
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    Hello from Alberta

    Hi all! I discovered this forum sometime ago and have enjoyed learning from you all. It is time I introduced myself. I have been making soap off and on for about ten years but still have lots to learn and many techniques to experiment with. Thanks, Kendra