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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. M

    Vegetable shortening - Soybean oil

    Does anyone use this oil? Does it go rancid quickly? Does it make a nice soap? Can it be used as a substitute for palm? Is that too many questions? Why is the sky blue? :P
  2. M

    White CP soap

    Thanks guys. You have all been most helpful :D
  3. M

    White CP soap

    I know! White soap is awesome. :D I'm quite new to the whole soap making process but I've tried M&P and didn't like it. I suppose I want what everyone wants - a nourishing, rich and creamy soap that's pure white. And one that's gentle on my sensitive skin. But is it even possible? :?
  4. M

    White CP soap

    Thank you! :) Does it make it a pure white or just whiter than soap without it? And is it harsh on your skin? Also, olive oil seems to almost always be used but it is so dark. I'm doing my second soap making course at the moment and every soap we've made has been yellow or even greenish. :?
  5. M

    White CP soap

    Someone once told me that there is something you can add to your soap to make it white. Does anyone have any advice on how to make white CP soap?