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  1. Alfa_Lazcares

    A wish for consistency of UNITS! Is it only me?

    I do, but I did all that before I had the oils to weight, because I wanted to know how much a given recipe would cost me.
  2. Alfa_Lazcares

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Not actually today, but after 3 years making soap I finally got myself one of those wooden molds with silicone lining that everyone has. Up until now I had been using a silicone mold ment for bread, so I went years having bread shaped soaps, which its fine, and the mold has served me well, its...
  3. Alfa_Lazcares

    A wish for consistency of UNITS! Is it only me?

    Similarly, here the oils are sold by the litre, so I buy 5 l of coconut and 4 of palm and 1 of castor etc. With the exception of butters and lard, that are sold by kg the rest are litres (liter?). You see what I’m getting to? I needed to know how much a litre of something weights, but oils being...
  4. Alfa_Lazcares

    A Spreadsheet Soap Price Calculator

    And here I was making calculations by hand. Thank you!
  5. Alfa_Lazcares

    Should I wick up?

    @Quanta They only call it a “chinese parafin”, thats the only info I have, about the kind of wax it is. Though I have to say it is super translucent, it just got opaque because of an additive I also got that its supposed to help with throw. They just call it “Olimpia aditive” no clue whats in...
  6. Alfa_Lazcares

    Should I wick up?

    So I keep reading that you need to have a complete melt pool, but for some reason I cant get this one to make a full pool. This is parafin, and yes my wick is slightly off, but after several hours on two days, this is as far as it goes. Once the candle burns more I dont know if it will melt the...
  7. Alfa_Lazcares

    How quickly did you start

    I did watch quite a bit of YouTube videos, which is what got me interested on this, then I started researching and stumbled in to this place, and read also quite a bit about it. The thing is, i don't have that much money to just use in a hobby, and I knew I needed to buy a few things like...
  8. Alfa_Lazcares

    Might have to rethink my opinion on salt bars

    80% Coconut 20% Avocado 50% salt 20% superfat And I also use coconut cream. 50% coconut cream 50% water (in which I dissolve the lye).
  9. Alfa_Lazcares

    Post your Gripe

    I have a cold! I got sick on december 31, so yay new years in bed feeling horrible. Its day 3 now. Still sick, but dont feel as bad. I cant smell anything and I also missed my 10 year anniversary with my boyfriend (postponed until next week probably). Yay. I want to do stuff but the runny nose...
  10. Alfa_Lazcares

    Might have to rethink my opinion on salt bars

    Well it was the only thing different between the batches. Both are 80% coconut, 50% salt and lavander EO, the rest was the AO or the OO. With the OO ones I felt like I was using a high OO soap, slippery, not slimy per say but similar. And the AO just made fluffy lather. But gonna make more to...
  11. Alfa_Lazcares

    Fragrance caused CP to seize, what can I do?

    I basically do what DeeAnna says. i mix the lye and color and hand mix the FO, have the mold ready and pour the moment its starts to thicken. If I want to texture the top I just reserve a bit of batter and pour it on top of the fragranced portion. Most of my FO accelerate so I just learned to...
  12. Alfa_Lazcares

    Might have to rethink my opinion on salt bars

    For me it was the lather. The avocado oil recipe makes a very fluffy lather, think egg whites when you whisk them, and they do that kind of lather even with a short cure (i leave them about a month and half), however the OO recipe didnt make that much lather and I could barely get that fluffy...
  13. Alfa_Lazcares

    Might have to rethink my opinion on salt bars

    My favorite recipe is with 20% avocado oil, but before I discovered that, I made a batch with OO which I really didnt care for, so I just left those soaps and used them whenever I didnt have my “regular” salt bars. Well, that happened again a few weeks ago, by this time those salt bars were like...
  14. Alfa_Lazcares

    What makes a soap a soap and a shampoo a shampoo?

    Ohh do tell how they turn out! I kinda want to do it but then some people say its too much trouble for what it is and I havent looked in to where to hunt the ingredients...
  15. Alfa_Lazcares

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Okay, I have to share here because you guys get me: i got my kg of cocoa butter yesterdaaaay! Its super pricy but I really loved the soaps I made with it in the oast and now I have a full KG to play with. Also, it smells amazing.
  16. Alfa_Lazcares

    Shout-out to DeeAnna

    Yes! Thanks DeeAna! I dont participate much but I kinda stalk your posts and I always have your website on a tab on my phone for easy reference, so thank you!
  17. Alfa_Lazcares

    cocnut milk

    I use either coconut cream or aloe en my soaps and i couldnt really tell you which one is which on a blind test.
  18. Alfa_Lazcares

    How much TD do you use?

    This spinds interesting. I have no issues with my TD AMD i still have A LOT but I’ll keep it in mind.
  19. Alfa_Lazcares

    Aloe Darlin'!

    When its not I mix a little bit of water. Just yesterday I was doing the exact same thing to my aloe ha! Poor thing ended up with just a couple remaining.
  20. Alfa_Lazcares

    Post your happy

    I cut my own hair for the first time! Took me like an hour and a half, but I think it turned out fine for a first time. My hair was long, and only one lenght since I got rid of my layers quite a while back, but I always kind of miss them so I decided to get them back.