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  1. Shiningdown

    Conditioner bar recipe for dandruff anyone?

    I was wondering which one to try first and you just helped me with that, thank you!!
  2. Shiningdown

    Conditioner bar recipe for dandruff anyone?

    I've never thought about this! Most all of the standard store bought conditioners are problematic. The only ones that I don't react to are the ones that are for dandruff or psoriasis. Some of them aren't so great as well. That is a great idea! I will definitely take a look!! Thank you!!
  3. Shiningdown

    Conditioner bar recipe for dandruff anyone?

    Thank you so very much!!!! I will definitely give them a try!
  4. Shiningdown

    Conditioner bar recipe for dandruff anyone?

    thank you for your timely response! The recipes that I have read sound like they have a tendency to leave hair greasy and many ppl complain about not being able to get the goo from their hair after many washes. Not sure if this is from using too much or using low quality ingredients. Hoping its...
  5. Shiningdown

    Conditioner bar recipe for dandruff anyone?

    I am currently using Nizoral, its a dandruff/psoriasis shampoo. I don't usually rub conditioner into my scalp, but i do need to get conditioner on the sides and lower back, normal conditioners always seem to cause a "flare up" so I wind up having to get expensive conditioners, still looking for...
  6. Shiningdown

    Conditioner bar recipe for dandruff anyone?

    Hello, I've been trying to find a more natural alternative to store bought conditioners, but for a sensitive scalp. I have been making soap for several years, but have never tried a conditioner bar. Researching the web has left me confused and without answers. I then remembered that I have...
  7. Shiningdown

    homemade hair perfume/hair refesher spray?

    Is quite nice to hear someone else is using a bar for shampooing as well! I have actually found it helpful to my bad condition scalp. As for the FO, I would try a smaller section of hair first. Many of the oils are made differently and unless researched cannot tell what or how they've been...
  8. Shiningdown

    Best oil for cleaning properties?

    Thank you for your replies! Yes ,I do think I will try both soap types, 0 superfat and one with a higher SF. I didn't think about it until you mentioned it, but a lot of mechanic cleansers ARE oily! Almost like an oily petroleum. There must be something to it true? Thank you for your advice!
  9. Shiningdown

    Mixing Fragrance Oils with lye water has anyone done this?

    I've tried adding a little to my water/lye solution. By the time was all mixed with oils and reached trace, I couldn't smell a thing. I did smell it in the beginning before trace but nothing after. Even the next day after being unmolded there was nothing Cheap EO? Not enough EO?Did the lye eat...
  10. Shiningdown

    Best oil for cleaning properties?

    Thank you for your time :-) I am just starting out and trying to understand why some say add expensive oils to soap, like flaxseed or pumpkin carrot seed. I thought they indeed help,but just starting, I don't know much. I know there's a lot of deception in some posts and some posts are honest...
  11. Shiningdown

    Best oil for cleaning properties?

    If it's not moisturizing, what do beauty bars do? Or adding Shea butters and such to soap? I'm sorry but I swear I've read articles talking about the different oils and their uses. I just can't find it again.
  12. Shiningdown

    Best oil for cleaning properties?

    Hello I was hoping someone would have some advice on which oil would make the best cleaning properties. My hubby is a mechanic, so his hands need super cleaners. He said the moisturizing isn't important as long as the soap removes the grease easier. I tried googling it but wrong topics always...