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  1. nogud247

    Shaving Soap in Crocks

    You could always do something like this for less $$ just as functional IMO
  2. nogud247

    Game of Thrones Soap

    Love it!
  3. nogud247

    My son; showing off

    It's official, we all make beautiful babies!! Go us.
  4. nogud247

    High Lard batch with semi-successful swirls!

    I think it looks lovely. Also love the Lego person for scale.
  5. nogud247

    Earth n' Turf

    Awesome! In very curious. I want to buy so many FO but they're expensive and I would hate to be stuck with stinky soap.
  6. nogud247

    Earth n' Turf

    There's a dirt FO? Craziness.
  7. nogud247

    Coffee cake

    Super pretty soaps! Great job.
  8. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    I have to admit, the longer this soap cures the more lovely it gets. Currently the lather is great. There isn't anything off by any means. It leaves my hands clean and soft. Can't wait till it's been a year.
  9. nogud247

    unscented colored Lard Soap!

    Love it. Super pretty.
  10. nogud247

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I ordered a soap stamp today. Should be a fun new toy. Now to order mica.
  11. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    I think it's a lovely answer! It is fun. I'm excited to setup the experiments. It's clear my daughter wants to be a full time tester.
  12. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    I will for sure. I think I love this soap already. It's cool to note how it evolves over time. Even though it's been a small time it's so much nicer than before.
  13. nogud247

    My son; showing off

    Neither of us cried. He was ready to go. He already has friends there.
  14. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    Sorry I made the 80% lard 15% co 5% OO actually. But yes my original was going to be high OO
  15. nogud247

    My son; showing off

    As ugly as I am I managed to make a beautiful little boy. Just showing off here. Please show off as well. Proud parents have to stick together.
  16. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    I didn't add castor or sugar. I believe you are correct about that amount btw. I think I'll try that in a few batches when I come back to this recipe.
  17. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    Also, is there a way to keep it mostly the same but make more bubbles?
  18. nogud247

    CPOP or naw?

    It's been two weeks so I decided to try this soap's really very nice. Much more mellow than a week ago. It leaves me with soft skin not dry. My daughter decided she wanted to use it and now I "can never stop making soap ever "
  19. nogud247

    New shave soap

    That gift will be amazing. If they don't like it upgrade your men.
  20. nogud247

    New shave soap

    *wants to be her male friend* ;)