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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. L

    Success on first two attempts!

    Why aren't my images showing up??????
  2. L

    Success on first two attempts!

    Hello all, I just thought I would share some pics from my second batch of soap that fortunately turned out quite well. Nothing too fancy starting out in all of this...just the generic recipe out of "The Soap Makers Companion". The only problem I have now is that I'm so **** excited that...
  3. L

    Ridiculed for having an interest in making soap....

    Thanks for the responses everyone... I wasn't too bothered by her questioning but it did make me wonder if the impulsive assumption from many would be to consider this a feminine pursuit...not that I care about that either really. I'm comfortable with who I am but I thought it would be worth...
  4. L

    Ridiculed for having an interest in making soap....

    Hello everyone, Well not exactly ridiculed but definitely "questioned" in terms of why. Mind you, it was all in fun but she still questioned WHY. I'm a 38 year old male that has enjoyed buying CP soaps ever since my early 20's. After attending the Lamb and Sheep Wool Festival in...
  5. L

    Where do I find Olive Oil Online?

    I'm buying some of my initial stuff at Brambleberry to get started. In time, with the help of those here, I hope to find the best place to buy different things! Thanks- Brad
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    Where do I find Olive Oil Online?

    Thanks for the replies everyone...really appreciated. I'll definitely take a look locally and see what I can find. -Brad
  7. L

    Where do I find Olive Oil Online?

    Hello All, I've asked for some soap supplies to get started in the hobby/craft this Christmas. I'm going to be doing my first batches using the basic recipe found in THE SOAPMAKERS COMPANION. I'm just having a tough time finding Olive Oil for the first recipe as noted in the book. I...
  8. L

    Getting started

    Hello everyone, I made two or three attempts at making soap while in a relationship a while back, and I've decided to give it a go again while My goals are to make enough soap for family and friends and maybe sell some here or there to benefit a friends daughter that has...