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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. R

    Seizing sopa

    Good advice! I haven't tossed it yet. I just "plopped" it into my rectangular molds, tried to tamp it down with a rubber scraper, and then set it away to cure until tomorrow. The consistency was odd. Like a chunky gelatin pudding... I'm thinking my carrier oils were too hot.
  2. R

    Seizing sopa

    Well, I had my first seizing experience today! I guess that's what it was...the soap quickly went from a light trace to a chunky pudding type of consistency. Very odd... I'm not sure what I did differently except that my carrier oils were hotter than usual (about 115 degrees) and I used...
  3. R

    Shipping your soap

    For those of you who ship soap, what packaging do you recommend for 1 bar? 5 bars? 10 bars? Do I need padded envelopes (they get expensive!) And I've heard USPS is the cheapest (unless it gets REALLY heavy), but I'm curious about your experiences. I have some relatives strewn about the...
  4. R

    How do you stir your larger batches?

    Hi there! I'm at the point where'd I'd like to make larger batches of soap, and I have room in my stockpot, but I'm currently using a stick blender that can only be immersed about 3", and the depth of my larger batches will be closer to 9". I'm afraid that won't adequately mix the batch. Any...