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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. R

    Noobie soap making equipment

    Is there a benefit to using a different soap for shampooing hair than bar soap? I figured there was... or is there a different recipe for hair shampoo than regular soap. & yes, by conditioner soap I mean hair conditioner. I'm under the impression that conditioner is just special soap to make...
  2. R

    Noobie soap making equipment

    &&&&&&&& another question. What is the difference between shampoo soap & conditioner soap & hand soap & bath soap... Are they all made & applied the same? Just with different ingredients? It may sound kinda newbie question - I've used bar soap in my hair to work in a pinch (especially camping...
  3. R

    Noobie soap making equipment

    So after much reading my current train of thought is to purchase the basics for a CP & HP. I was thinking that HP may be better for the tea, i know the leaves can handle the temperature (175 is hot for hot process and that is the coldest temperature for most teas to actually be brewed in.)...
  4. R

    Noobie soap making equipment

    I want to first point out that I was totally shocked to find an active community for soap making. Blew my mind. Next for my question - lol. Long version - My girlfriend enjoys natural soaps from lush & etsy, etc. Unfortunately they are a tad expensive to be constantly using so we end up...