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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. L

    No Coconut Oil - No Smell

    I understand your question. Although I am not a soap maker (I joined this forum looking for advice on finding a product I can use to help clean my baby who is allergic topically and through ingestion of all high palmitic fatty acids), I have found a soap that contains three simple ingredients...
  2. L

    Fatty Acid question???

    I am wondering if something like Meadowfoam or a squash oil can be used to make a bar of soap? I am new to this and I don't have experience with that yet. I really appreciate your guidance more than you will ever know.
  3. L

    Fatty Acid question???

    After much stress, testing and tears, I have decided to seek answers on my own concerning my child's allergy. He has been tested for tree nuts and peanuts, but it comes up negative even though he has a severe reaction if he eats p. nut butter or breaks out in hives when we put the "suggested"...
  4. L

    Fatty Acid question???

    Hello, I am looking for a soap base that does NOT contain a high Palmitic, Oleic, or Stearic percentage. I am looking for the most basic soap recipe that avoids all Shea, Palm, Olive and Coconut bases. Is there even such a thing? Frantic Mom :-(