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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. G

    What did I do wrong this time???

    K..I made recipe: 44 oz olive oil, 17 oz coconut oil, 24 oz veg. Shortening, 10.7 oz lye, 16 oz frozen goat milk, 16 oz water and 2 oz cocoa butter...when I unmolded, they are very soft and oily...what did I do wrong, or is it just the recipe? Both oil and lye mixture were 100 degrees...
  2. G

    Comfrey infused olive oil..

    I infused my olive oil with fresh wilted comfrey. I strained it yesterday and boy does it stink!!! My thyme oil does not. Is it the comfrey or did my oil spoil? I am thinking the latter, but wanted to make sure before I throw it out... I let it sit for 14 days...shaking it daily... I...
  3. G


    Can comfrey be added to soap? I was thinking of making like a tea with it and using that for my lye mixture.. Will that work? I'm very open to suggestions. I have comfrey coming out of my ears!! Also, I have seen a lot about super fatting.. Can someone please explain this to me? I'm not...
  4. G

    Help, I'm new!!!

    I just made my second batch of soap. I used grapeseed, olive, vegetable oil, lavender EO, and coloring added to glycerine. I did use a calculator that I found on line and was supposed to use 1.74 oz of lye. My scale doesn't measure that precise, so I used 1.7. After 3 days, I finally...