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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. B

    80 year young soap & candle maker

    Hello everyone I'm new to this online community group sort of thing, but not so new to CP soap and candle making. I first started into CP soap and candle making at about 6 years of age by learning from my mum, but I didn't do very much of either craft until after I got married, so I...
  2. B

    Great Ebook for newbie candle makers

    Hello candle makers I have just found a new Ebook on Amazon Kindle books I thought I'd make mention of here in case any newbies are looking for a cheap but good book to help them start learning about candle making. The Ebook details are as follows Title .... Know How to make Candles...
  3. B

    Great book for newbie CP soapmakers

    I just bought a Cold Process soapmaking Ebook from Amazon Kindle as an Easter present for a dear friend of mine who is just starting out in CP soapmaking that I found very easy to follow for any newbie CP soapmaker so I thought I'd pass the details onto others here that may be interested. The...