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    New Soap Lye Calculator, Oil and Soap Recipe Database

    Just wanted to say a big THANKS for this!!! I really like it!! And I really appreciate your dedicating all this time to create this and improve it! It 's great you do that... Thanks again!!!
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    Soap Friends & Freindship

    Cindy, so glad you are recovering, even with those drawbacks... Keep strong and optimistic!! :)
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    Adding clay for color CP and HP

    Hi JayJay! I mix my clay with a little oil using a mini stick blender to avoid having clumps and I add it at trace. I don't do HP so I don't know what happens if you cook it but I wouldn't think it will affect it in anyway. I think I have read of people adding it to the oils before mixing but I...
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    Soap Friends & Freindship

    Cindy, I wish you all the best! Be strong!!! :) And get back here safe and free!!
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    Need advice asap!

    Yes, do use full water. I 'm sorry, I can't help you with temperature. I would say you need to keep it not too hot, but with so much of hard oils maybe it is not a good idea to have it cool either. I don't have experience with such a percentage of hard oils... If you can add oils, it would...
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    Advice Please

    Hahaha! Exactly that! skayc1, welcome to the addiction!! You 'll see that if you do wait, you 'll appreciate it. It will let you see the changes in your soap and, if you try new recipies, you' ll be able to compare them with the experience you 'll have gained... Experimenting is part of the...
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    EO Blend Help

    Hi! Chech this thread, there are a lot of interesting ideas!
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    The recipients I use to dilute the NaOH, I wash them with water and soap. I leave the rest covered until fresh soap on them gits firm. Then I try to get it off with some spoon, I keep the scraps and wash the bowls, spoons etc with water and soap, as well. It 's a method I got from someone around...
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    The 4-letter game

    Japanese Quotes Regarding Trace FMCY
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    Our Fata Morgana was SECOND PLACE in the international spin swirl challenge!!

    Congratulations to both of you!!! They look great!!!
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    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter!! It 's so cute!!! :)
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    New Soaps: Red Palm, meadow piggy, minty salt, lavender, melt & pour

    I really love the purple color of your lavender soap!! Your stamps look great too!
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    Spinach soap

    What a great green!!! And peppermint is exactly what I thought when I saw it! Congratulations!!
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    New Recipe Too Brittle

    It seems to me it 's probably the clove EO. I have soap setting up every time I am using it. Even in a small batch of 528g (which should make it harder to trace) and at a 0,4% of oils, it solidified like a stalactite at pouring! Haha.. The recipe itself shouldn't get that hard so soon, in my...
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    Blend Ideas

    Wow!! So many ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! :D
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    I made soap! (with pictures)

    And if you decide to work with plastic, be careful of the seams on the bottom. I just remembered that image TEG shared some time ago... By the way, congratulations on your soap!!!
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    Label Opinions

    I am totally with cmzaha and LittleCrazyWolf but they are both lovely anyway.
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    cut a bar and found this...

    Oh... It 's a sad dwarf... Love it...
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    great cakes soapworks challenge winners, congrats!

    What a great job both of them!!! They are truely awesome and I really liked the the way of thinking!!! Congratulations!!!!