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  1. SoapMakingTommy


    Hey everyone, i had a question on my mind and wanted to ask on my favorite soap making forum. I have two big boxes of different oils i use for cosmetics and have little room to store in my house currently. We have a outdoor shed and am thinking of storing it in there, but was worried if my oils...
  2. SoapMakingTommy

    Need Help With Lip Balm And Emuslification

    Very good, Thank you, I have read that before, i never used any preservatives as i dont really add any water to my lipbalms, is that ok? A question: i read and seen infused oils, and was thinking of doing the same, but was wondering if you are able to make say a coffee infused oil then why...
  3. SoapMakingTommy

    Need Help With Lip Balm And Emuslification

    Hey everyone its been a while.:wave: Im back with a question. Ive made a few lipbalms but wanted to make a new kind using a resin i made from coffee and chocolate beans. I melted my oils and beeswax and added my resin but my resin did not want to melt and incorportae into the base lip balm...
  4. SoapMakingTommy

    Diagnose my soap problem!

    You can reduce the partial gel by not cutting it so soon, I had this problem with one of my soaps and now i cut many hours later, but when its still easy to slice. I dont see how the brown could of stained the top white cream color, unless it was really moist and you had residual oil on your...
  5. SoapMakingTommy

    First Neem Soap

    We'll as I promised I would let you all know what I think of my neem soap. The soap is wonderful, when I take a shower, my skin and pores. Feel cool and refreshed, definitely can feel clean skin for hours to come. Just leaves some wonderful quality I can't pinpoint from what yet, either the neem...
  6. SoapMakingTommy

    Finally- Raw Goats Milk Soap, DONE!!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the kind remarks. The pollen will act a little as a exfoliate i guess, not sure exactly what properties are carried over, It is for esthetic's and for quality, I am not sure what it adds to the soap. The bees mix pollen with there honey to make them granular so i guess there...
  7. SoapMakingTommy

    Finally- Raw Goats Milk Soap, DONE!!!!!

    Hello everyone,just wanted to share some pictures of my goats milk soap that I had been waiting to make for months. Unfortunately my raw milk supplier was not in stock for the winter and just now I was able to make a purchase. This was the last soap I had planed to make so now I caught up...
  8. SoapMakingTommy

    New to soap making - reqiesting help on essential oils

    Yea no problem, its not a complete list, but its what i was able to find for you at the time. Im glad it helped. Dont be afraid or get deter'd. I have not had any problems with my eo's, Most have medicinal qualitys. Just be careful of how much you use and what you are using. If you need any...
  9. SoapMakingTommy

    New to soap making - reqiesting help on essential oils

    Here is a few more i was not able to pit on the first page. Additional Essential Oils to Avoid Using on the Skin These can be used on the skin at half strength (make sure to confirm that when using already-made aromatherapy products). Never apply these neat (directly and undiluted) to the...
  10. SoapMakingTommy

    New to soap making - reqiesting help on essential oils

    Hey apaul I googled it for you and got this link--> As far as side effects go, there can be many factors involved, But if you just looking at witch one will sensitize the skin here is a link and some...
  11. SoapMakingTommy

    First Neem Soap

    We'll I made my cut the other day I did not want to handle it to much until they were a bit more dry. The soap does not look as pretty, I cut really early. I noticed my sample bars which I cut many hours later gelled completely. I learned not to cut to early during the saponification process or...
  12. SoapMakingTommy

    First Neem Soap

    Did it have any scent like eo/fo in it, and if it did was it noticeable? I got to look into tee tree, sounds like a nice additive.:mrgreen:
  13. SoapMakingTommy

    First Neem Soap

    Thanks graycewoorks, the soap looks a bit dull but it does have that nice sleek finish to it, Sometimes my soap makes me want to carve it up into a sculpture or something. The smell is noticeable, I thought it was going to be worse, Some made me think it was going to be the end of the world. lol...
  14. SoapMakingTommy

    First Neem Soap

    Today was a perfect night for me to make some soap, I have been wanting to put my neem to good use to I made a neem and ginger soap. I used 21% neem with a blend of other plant oils making up the remaining 79%. I used 3tbs of ginger powder to the whole batch and 3oz essential oils. I super...
  15. SoapMakingTommy

    Weebly & More....

    Hey guys, just wanted to start a topic here cause im trying to keep things moving forward and i have no intension of giving up. I am trying to start my own website, and picked some web hosting site called weebly. Basically my website url look like this I would...
  16. SoapMakingTommy

    Seaweed smells strong!

    That is very interesting soap, Ive been thinking of incorporating seaweed in soaps myself, probably wont tho. I am curious why you rehydrated your seaweed? could you not just add it as a powder at trace? Ive made a seaweed tincture that does have a slight smell, nothing overpowering. I would...
  17. SoapMakingTommy

    Screwed up

    Well i made some soap a while ago and had extra batter left over after setting up my first mold the batter had already dry some and i try to remelt it and then pour it, successfully but with little no no scent. You should always be aware of the flash points of your essential oils/fragrance oils...
  18. SoapMakingTommy

    Natural Color hippie soap

    Very cool soap, I am very much into natural colors, and i tried using several berry powders most turning brown i think the accai was able to hold some color, i cant remember now. But its good to see somone else try this. I might give it a try someday, It just kinda feels like a oddball in my gut...
  19. SoapMakingTommy

    Straining infused oils

    Your best bet if you are willing to spend a few more dollars is if you could set up a small buchner funnel apparatus . Basically has a suction made by hand or pump from the bottom of the container that draws preasure sucking anything from the filter paper, it can speed things up dramatically...