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  1. Traceyann

    Salt bar tonight - 40-50%??????

    Mine are oozing water as its raining so much here and the humidity is hovering around 90 -95 % .....
  2. Traceyann


    OMG how beautiful is that !
  3. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    HAHAH they just showed a dunny race up on the sunny coast lol.....thong throwing, the Irwins and Koalas....just LOVE today.......
  4. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    Yep sounds good, but I dont use coconut , and dont cook them tooooo long other wise they are too hard, I like mine on the softer side....and are great dipped in tea or coffee
  5. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    I hope u all know what speedos are !!!! LURVE a man in speedos ....especially a blonde and bronzed man ......mmmmmm Its funny to see what each other know or dont know about our countries
  6. Traceyann


    Ummmm its body paint isnt it ?????
  7. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    OHHHH Relle, thats a good one ...a U e lol.......for everyone a U e is a u-turn lol And Nana Australia Day celebrates the landing of the first fleet here in Oz back in 1788....basically it celebrates Australias discovery by the British
  8. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    LOL @ u all worring about rooting .....and yep it sure means what u think lol.... I actually prefer to drink out of a Relle said its a bottle of beer....all beer comes in stubbies over here or a can or a tallie ( tall - e ) which is a big bottle of beer.....cant stand fosters...
  9. Traceyann

    Look at what I just got from lovely lady through freegle

    OMG thats a lucky score.....
  10. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    PLEASE dont anyone take offence to this as its not neant to be offensive, our national Holiday Australia Day is just about upon us and I couldnt resist posting this
  11. Traceyann

    NOW I dont want to offend , but the Aussies will understand

    You know you're Australian if: * You believe that stubbies can be either drunk or worn. * You're liable to burst out laughing whenever you hear of Americans "rooting" for something. * You pronounce Melbourne as 'Mel-bin'. You believe the 'L' in the word 'Australia' is optional. * You can...
  12. Traceyann

    Just had the best weekend !!!

    Actually it was a week ! Myself and my softball team headed off to Coffs harbour which is about three and a half hours south of where we live to play ball for the weekend....we had 5 games on Saturday partied Sat plastered lol .....played 3 more on Sunday and WON !!!!! third...
  13. Traceyann

    Why pets make us smile

    I love it when I go out to feed our first ever 2 guinea pigs ( Nuts & Bolts ), when I open up their cage they gome right over to the edge and lean out ( almost to the point of falling out ) and if I put my cheek out they will put their noses to my cheek....almost as if giving me a kiss...
  14. Traceyann

    Q's For the Nurses or others on their feet for ages

    Thanks all, I have previously had probs with my arch as well as rolling my ankle....I tend to walk on the outside of my foot, So I think I will definately go to the podietrist
  15. Traceyann

    Q's For the Nurses or others on their feet for ages

    Founed them Jenny, Do they have arch support in them ?
  16. Traceyann

    Q's For the Nurses or others on their feet for ages

    Damn link wont open....I will find them yet lol
  17. Traceyann

    dreadlock shampoo?

    I took offence to your response to Debbism.....maybe you need to stop writing critically and have a bit of tact ! Experienced forum users will be more open to helping if you respect their knowledge.
  18. Traceyann

    Q's For the Nurses or others on their feet for ages

    Thanks I will look into both, and Yes Relle I think you are right, there is a Podietrist nearby so I will check it out. Tash, I will google that and see what comes up
  19. Traceyann

    Escentials (Aus)- Oil

    No Idea Relle as I buy mine from Aussie soap Supplies, but update us if you get an email
  20. Traceyann

    1st salt soap

    VERY NICE Dotty.....OMG u make some pretty soaps