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  1. D

    A New Member

    I hope so 🤞🏼🤞🏼
  2. D

    A New Member

    It actually turned to be sticky. I will try to add less water.
  3. D

    A New Member

    Almond sweet oil 15% Coconunt oil 25% Olive oil 20% Shea butter 25% Tallow beef 15% Water 190g Lye 76g I used cold process, but it turned to be so sticky. I will try it. Thanks for your reply!!
  4. D

    A New Member

    Hello all, I am a new member, and I would like to say hi to all. Recently, I have had a problem with a new recipe. It turned to be so sticky, and even after 3 days it was still sticky, so I couldn't umold it. Eventhough, I used shea butter and beef lard total of 40%, water 38%, water:lye...