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  1. S

    Shelf Life of Your Bath Bombs and Bulk Ingredients?

    Hi All, I'm very new here to this rather superb collective!, but I just wondered if I could ask you all what you've found your general shelf life is of your home made bath bombs and such? I have just started making them, and I find mine don't keep their fizz for too long. I have bought bulk...
  2. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Thank you MSH. In that case, where you mix without water OR alcohol, what do you use in their place to make the mixture a little moist? I've tried mixing without coconut oil or water or alcohol, but I can't get it wet enough to just want to stick together.. and I mix it all very well too...
  3. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Haha.. Yes, you're definitely right CW.. very confusing! Tbh, the only oil I used was a fragrance oil for the orange smell, and a dose of coconut oil for a binder and silky bath feel. The orange oil wasn't specifically called a fragrance oil, but it definitely was more that than an essential...
  4. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Alright, thank you BG! In that case, based on my recipe I uploaded earlier in this post, what total oil content do you suggest would have been best, bearing in mind I used a combination of two oils - for fragrance, I used an organic "orange flavor" oil (which is a combination of sunflower oil...
  5. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Thank you Dahlia. Could you please clarify this part above.. I don't understand what you mean! :-/ Also, does anybody know of a mechanical presser of some type, that will make pressing much quicker than doing one at a time? I have already seen "The Bath Bomb Press", and the "EZ Way Bath Bomb...
  6. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Thanks BattleGnome. When a fragrant ingredient fails primarily (as my FO citrus orange has in my case), is it just a case of doubling the dose used, or is that not the point/likely to be effective?
  7. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Thanks SO much for the replies everyone, so helpful, and mostly, things I didn't know. My young son wants to become good enough to sell them at our local markets, so they need to be really great quality, and opulent - suitable for discerning Mums to soak in, not for kids like the Lush ones often...
  8. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Thanks so much Battle Gnome! Here's the recipe we used, which we followed exactly: 8 oz. of baking soda 4 oz. of citric acid 4 oz. of corn starch 4 oz. of Epsom salts ¾ tsp. of water 2 tsp. essential oil (we used essence of Orange, which was only a mid-range oil.. we didn't have best quality...
  9. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Thanks Dxray.. We did use a spray bottle actually, to moisten the final mix just a touch, but we only used water in it, not Witch Hazel or alcohol. As I mentioned, we had enough mixture to make 4 bath bombs, and the first one only cured for 45 minutes in the freezer in the kitchen. It was...
  10. S

    Bath Bomb Recipe Perfect Yesterday, Terrible Today!

    Hi Everyone, I am hoping some of you much more knowledgeable experts might help me? Yesterday, my 10 year old son and I followed a bath bomb recipe to the absolute letter, and sure enough it produced a perfect high quality luxurious bath bomb with all the right smells and smooth oily...