Recent content by Michelle La

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  1. Michelle La

    FO Discolouration

    Ah okay, that would make sense. I’ll watch and see what happens, thank you.
  2. Michelle La

    New member

    Hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy your new skill, it’s incredibly rewarding I think.
  3. Michelle La

    FO Discolouration

    Ah okay. I figured that would discolour throughput rather than be patchy. I have broadly avoided anything that I can obviously identify as having vanillin for I am a chicken.
  4. Michelle La

    OT: Weird experience at gym

    They provide a service to the public and should take their safeguarding responsibilities seriously. This is a problem that could’ve been solved before it happened, by closing the immediate area to allow the workmen to do what they needed to, without making customers feel uncomfortable, awkward...
  5. Michelle La

    FO Discolouration

    Nope. Just in their generic description of fragrances that it’s suitable for soap making. But that description also warns that some fragrances may discolour and to test in small batches. Not very helpful I know.
  6. Michelle La

    FO Discolouration

    There’s only one review which unhelpfully just says “stunning fragrance”, and for the record it stinks. I’m in the UK and I don’t think the suppliers I’ve found here have the same number of reviews.
  7. Michelle La

    FO Discolouration

    Hello! I used a fragrance oil called white musk in this soap. Everything seemed fine, no acceleration that I could tell, nice steady pour with no ricing etc, but after a short time in the mold (which is see through) I noticed a sort of brown tint. After cutting it seems the mottled brown is...
  8. Michelle La

    No IFRA, No Buy?

    That’s a thought. Will try emailing in future as there’s always a chance they just forgot to upload a particular one.
  9. Michelle La

    No IFRA, No Buy?

    You’re a genius, that’s what you are. Thank you! I just took delivery of some essential oils and all my willpower is now being used not to cancel on the friend I’m meeting in 15 minutes so I can stay home and stick toothpicks in jars. I’ll leave this one for when I get home 😀
  10. Michelle La

    No IFRA, No Buy?

    I reckon that’ll be a handy site for me in the future, thank you. I’m still a little bit too excited to trust myself with annything below 3%, and busy learning what I like together, and I don’t trust myself not to inadvertently throw it in at unacceptable levels. One day maybe 🙂
  11. Michelle La

    No IFRA, No Buy?

    That’s me not buying spearmint then. Yikes.
  12. Michelle La

    No IFRA, No Buy?

    Will you use it mixed with something else, or just hope for the best at the lower rate? I can’t lie, I have no clue what the other documents mean when I look at them. It’s just words on a page at this point for me, so I rely solely on the IFRA.
  13. Michelle La

    No IFRA, No Buy?

    There’s a website where I’ve been buying fragrance and essential oils from. On most items there’s a link to an IFRA certificate for the given product, but not on all. Am I right to swerve the ones that don’t have this document or is that just super picky and paranoid? An aside: Spearmint is...
  14. Michelle La

    What are these pimples?

    The first had a little poorly mixed ultramarine pink, ultramarine violet, and manganese violet.
  15. Michelle La

    What are these pimples?

    I like them better now, even with the pimples.