Recent content by DebRobinson

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. D

    If you make goat's milk - HELP!!!

    I've been making goat's milk soaps for 10 years. I still don't know what causes the DOS. In some instances I think it's the FO because there are some FO's that are more prone to spot my Honey Almond Oatmeal is one that has the problem every now and then but not always. The thing about me...
  2. D

    New to the Forum but not to Soap Making

    I hope ya'll are having an Udderly Delightful Day because you're making mine. :D Thanks for the Welcomes! Deb
  3. D

    Pomace vs. Reg. olive oil

    I've used both and have found no difference between the two in my soaps. I prefer Pomace because it's cheaper but when Virgin is all I can find I'll use it. Deb
  4. D

    Ecstatic in Central PA

    My husband, Bill, made my molds. They are 24 inches long, it takes 2 for my 16 lb batches and it makes 45-47 soaps. :) I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be making a batch that large when I made my first batch of soap. I make about 180+ bars at one time now. :D
  5. D

    New to the Forum but not to Soap Making

    Thanks Thanks for the welcomes. I'm already enjoying myself. Deb
  6. D

    Ecstatic in Central PA

    The waiting is hard I remember my first batch of cold processed soap. I had lye, water, lard, crisco and some coconut oil that I had found at a whole foods store. My mold was a shoe box lined with wax paper. I have to admit I PEEKED! :D That was a four pound batch. Now I make four...
  7. D

    New to the Forum but not to Soap Making

    I've been making my own cold processed goat milk soaps since 1999 and started my soap making business in 2001. It's been a wonderful journey and through the years I met some interesting people and made some great friends. I'm here wanting to make a few more good friends. I'm always wanting...